Whiny Little B(rhymes with “ditch”) and world class chiseler Dotard Drumpf ranted last night in Palm Beach Florida about the quality of the microphone provided for the event, calling it the “worst microphone I’ve ever had” and, sounding like he’s gargling gravel, vowed he would not pay the contractor who set up the event.

Uh, idiot, the mic seems to be functioning perfectly, perhaps if you hadn’t spent the last fortnight haranguing, complaining and generally trying to replicate your personal hero Adolph Hitler’s speaking tone, volume and pitch on every subject from bathroom fixtures to Joe Biden’s love for his son your voice wouldn’t sound like a Waring Blender trying to produce a smoothie from a double fistful of ball bearings.

Any excuse not to pay your bills.

The good folks at Biden-Harris HQ reported on this on Twitter and their followers provided appropriate distain.

For those who have Xed the bird there does not seem to be a clip of this on YouTube yet, but here is one from 2020 where he lodges a similar complaint (tho there does seem to be an actual malfunction in this case.)

The replies:

My thought exactly, lokimed.




Ya think?

That sound you hear is me whipping out my Mastercard.


🤞 🤞 🤞


😆 “Is this thing working?”



If only.



You know, Dotard, if you do not like the mics you are not going to pay for anyway you could emulate the late great James Brown and carry your own.

But then it would just be something else.

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  1. Jeeze!! That looks like a good Shure SM58 microphone that almost any house PA system would be using. Maybe its suffering from too much spit blown into it by this user? But probably not .. to me he sounds just like he always does while I’m reaching for the Mute button.


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