Will The GOP Finally Take Their Last “Off Ramp?”


After more than 3 1/2 painfully long years, it is finally time for the GOP to make the ultimate decision. What do you do, shit, or get off of the pot? And I’m not talking about the GOP House, those idiots don’t know whether to shit, go blind, or wind their watch. I’m talking about the GOP Senate, and yes, even Vice President Mike Pence. The ship is 100 yards from the rocks, full speed ahead, and the GOP has about ten seconds left to jump off and save themselves. Will they take it?

Look, I’m sick of dicking around being politically correct, so I’m going to come right out and say it. Trump is toast, he’s dead in the water. And I don’t want to hear any of that hand wringing Remember 2016 bullshit either. A fluke is a fluke, but a dead fluke will sink like any other fish. Trump has lost independents, he has lost college educated white women, he’s losing college educated white men, and seniors are saying goom-bye as fast as we can toddle away.

James Carville encapsulated it perfectly on Friday night when he said that a national change election is like tossing a pebble in a pond concentric rings. If you’re up by 3-5 points nationally, and especially in the states, then you’re highly likely to flip the swing states that you lost the last time. If you’re up by anything like 6-8 points, then you have just put into play the states you lost by less than that the last time around. And if, like Biden, you’re up by double digits, then you are entering wish list territory, flipping states like Texas, Georgia, and North Carolina. And that’s where the Democrats are right now!

And it’s about to get even worse, and the GOP knows it. Two of their most durable constituencies have been military personnel and veterans. And properly fact checked and reported, this latest scandal about Trump being aware that Vlad the Imp had put a bounty on American soldiers heads, and actually paid off on them, will rip a 6′ hole in Trump’s hull, beneath the waterline. And it’s already being properly vetted and presented.

Forget just the New York Times. There are now multiple news organizations out there that are confirming the NYT’s original reporting. And now there is multiple reporting that former NSA John Bolton told other advisers at the time that he had verbally briefed Trump on the issue all the way back in 2019! Little wonder that golden nugget didn’t survive the White House review for classified information and appear in Bolton’s rag book.

The backlash has been swift and brutal. Not surprisingly The Lincoln Project came out with a scathing ad accusing Trump of standing with Putin’s soldiers instead of out own. But the veteran’s activist group, but the vets has just come out with an ad that doesn’t pull punches, and actually calls Trump a traitor; Watch and….


The GOP in general, and the GOP Senate in particular, is in extremis here. For 3 1/2 long years they have carried Trump’s water for him, and always to the detriment of the rest of the country. And when they didn’t overtly support him, they tacitly approved his nonsense by remaining silent, refusing any criticism. And at this watershed moment, each and every one of them in complicit in his treachery. And will pay his price.

Ever drive on a mountain road? Every once in a while, especially in a steep grade, they have these runaway truck ramps. They are there for trucks with shot brakes to turn onto to come to a slow and safe stop before crashing into the side of a mountain, or careening over the side. And the GOP is approaching the last one right now at about 100 mph.

That last runaway truck ramp for the GOP involves Vice President Mike Pence pulling the trigger, and covertly circulating a 25th Amendment petition among Trump’s cabinet. And every sitting GOP Senator had better put as much effort into secret lobbying Trump cabinet officials into signing on to that petition as they do trying to get fuckwit RW judges confirmed to the federal bunch. And they had better do it because their own personal asses are on the line.

And no, I am not sending out mixed messages here. This will not help the GOP in the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump is as dead as Paddy’s pig. Barring an unforeseen, catastrophic event, Joseph Robin Biden will be sworn in as President of the United States on January 20th, 2021. Nothing can change that. But if Pence pulls the trigger on the 25th Amendment, and succeeds, and the GOP dominated Senate votes to confirm the order, then at least those vulnerable Senators can try to claim with a straight face that El Pendejo Presidente finally stepped over a line they could not tolerate, and they did their part to protect the nation from a President run amok. And properly played, it could be jussst enough to save a few of their jobs.

Because make no mistake, it doesn’t end here, not this year. The toxic Stench of The Trump Experiment is a miasma that will cling to the GOP for  years. There are GOP Governors and state legislators who are going to go down in 2022 from their pandering over indulgence to Trump, no doubt about that, the stench is just too strong, and the backlash against Trump too strong. But if vulnerable 2022 Republicans act decisively now, then they at least have the opportunity to spend the next two years trying to spin the story in their benefit. At this point, that’s the most they can act for.

Something unique happened today, something never before seen. Today, on June 29th, 2020, President Donald John Trump was exposed as an actual traitor of the American people. He stood idly by, and sacrificed the lives of American soldier in order to keep his personal and professional secrets secret. Nothing can change that. The only remaining question is, will the Republican party let him hang alone, or will they climb the gallows and swing with him? Don’t touch that dial.

To know the future, look to the past.before the insanity of the 2020 election, relive the insanity of the 2016 GOP primary campaign, and the general election, to see how we got to where we are. Copies of President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange are available as e-books on Amazon, at the links above. Catch up before the upcoming release of the third book in the trilogy, President Evil III: All The Presidents Fen

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35S

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    • That may depend on whether McConnell and a couple of more senior GOP Senators approach him and put the strong arm on…Don’t tell me that you don’t think that Pence has dreamed of being serenaded by “Hail to the Chief,” even if only for a few months…And just remember, Trump has not been reticent about humiliating Pence among others over his religion…He just wants covering fire for his own skinny ass…

      • I don’t think McConnell will put the strong arm on him. He is complicit. He is using his wife to grift everything possible before the end of the year. I think he is on to every man for himself mode now. What stock market grift can they do, futures etc. If you know anything about politics in Mexico we are in Salinas de Gortari mode. The pillaging will continue because their is a change in government coming and they have to rake it all in before the next administration starts.

        • They’re ALL in every man for himself mode, Old. They’ve realized, far too late, that this was never the dream they thought it’d be. It’s the same basic failure of leadership and imagination that ultimately hobbled the W administration, laced with corruption squared and incompetence cubed.

        • And these clowns are complicit when *rump says things like “when the looting starts the shooting starts.” Ok let’s ….. these guys. ‘Cuz as far as I’m concerned that’s what these guys are doing looting our civility, our democracy and decency. And they are cashing in big time trashing the rule of law in the process.

        • Ah, Carlos Salinas de Gortari. Now THERE was an interesting man! I had an office in Mexico City in /86-/88 and as soon as his successor was murdered, we KNEW there were problems! We closed the office. Too bad. I loved Mexico and Mexicans. Fantastic country and fantastic people.

      • Alright, Murf, I won’t tell you. What I WILL tell you is that none of these complicit weaklings have got the juice to pull it off. If they had, we’d already have seen that well before now.

    • Pence still has political ambitions – Ghu only knows why, he’s already as high up as he can get. But his “base” is smaller than Himself’s.

      • Ambition married to a corpse-like charisma (this guy makes Ed Sullivan look like JFK) coupled with proven incompetence at the executive level…Pence ain’t going far.

    • And he’s a toady of the lowest order. His boot licking actually at times makes me sick when I catch him genuflecting at the altar of Trump. I have stubbed a toe or two or twelve running to get to the remote to turn off the television.

  1. “The toxic Stench of The Trump Experiment is a miasma that will cling to the GOP for years. There are GOP Governors and state legislators who are going to go down in 2022 from their pandering over indulgence to Trump, no doubt about that, the stench is just too strong, and the backlash against Trump too strong.”

    Murf, I wish I could share your optimism, unfortunately, there are way too many voters whose memories barely reach back 6 months, much less 2 or more years. If Trump does bite the electoral dust this November, those GOP Governors and legislators have plenty of time to scrub their histories in a way that would not only leave Orwell stupefied but make the old Soviet revisionists look like rank amateurs.

    I can imagine “Trump? Trump? Who’s that?” becoming a rote phrase for many of the GOP Governors and legislators you’re describing. (Could make for a really scary drinking game. Take a shot every time you hear or read about a GOPer saying “Who’s Trump?” or some variation. Hospitals will be inundated with alcohol poisoning and alcohol overdose cases.)

    • But not the YOUNG voters who will make in impact on this election, and sway elections for years to come…Trump’s racist rants have turned off these street protesters, and they won’t forget who backed his play…

      • Yeah, Boomers kind of need to remember they are mortal, don’t they, Murf? Too many of the current miscalculations of our situation seem to be founded on this notion that Boomers got more years of life ahead of them as a generation than is so. All those companies suddenly siding with BLM is all you need to see to know how wrong that is.

        • *This* boomer sides with the youngs on a lot of stuff. I spent my entire life working next to people in their 20s and 30s – I got younger.

          • Yeah, P J, but you’re an exception. No shame in admitting such…had it been otherwise, we never would have wound up here, right? And my heart’s with the youngs too…up to and including the point of wanting to practice my defenestration skills on anybody of my generation or older making the unimaginative BS argument about how horrible kids today are.

  2. The answer to the question posed in the title is a single word – No!

    Not soon enough to be former Senator Susan Collins can make herself a shitload of under the table money giving lessons on “brow furrowing” and “expressing deep concern” to her GOP Senate colleagues, and with the loss of her Senate salary and perks set up a nice consulting gig with GOP Governors facing the voters in elections to come after November!

    But these politically endangered GOP cowards decided too long ago to lash themselves to the mast of the SS Trumptanic to undue all the ropes before November and some of them STILL aren’t inclined to even try. Actually, I think a more accurate metaphor for their attachment to Trump comes from an episode of South Park where poor little Kyle finds himself as one of the unfortunate people surgically attached rectum to mouth to power Steve Jobs’ Humancentipad! If I had computer graphics skills I’d photoshop Trump’s head on at the front with a pile of greasy fast food in front of him, with Pence, McConnell, Graham and some other’s heads. Because they eat Trump’s shit and then shit it out themselves to each other and everyone else!

  3. I say it’s too late, Murf…for any of that. If the GOP had an alternative for Trump, we’d be hearing from them right now. And McConnell may well lack the juice to move that particular boulder down the hill. I suspect we’re looking at the final part of the trap closing on their collective leg. As you say, it’s going to follow them for years to come.

      • Then they’re basically waving the white flag until further notice. Romney lost once already, it will do nothing to address the lower ranks of leadership’s gaps and the man himself is a charisma black hole on par with Pence, minus the incompetence.

        • Romney has the advantage of being duly nominated by the GOP once before, and the further advantage of being the only GOP senator to vote for conviction. He lost once to a popular incumbent. This incumbent is the most unpopular incumbent in my mother’s lifetime, never mind my own. He could draw the disaffected GOP voters back and give Biden some competition.

  4. I don’t think they will do anything against Trump, Murf. If they were going to, they would have done it by now. I would love to be wrong.

  5. The virus, (practicing imbuing human characteristics), simply LOVES the STUPIDITY of our species. It’s goal is to use all of us for food & reproduction. Great job u blind gop mice.

  6. Murph, I learned to drive in Colorado, and your runaway truck ramp is an excellent analogy. In fact, this is one of the best articles you’ve written. I’m going to try sending it to my Minnesota Congresswoman Betty McCollum. The House needs to start impeachment proceedings now and broadcast them live right up till November 2nd.

    • You may be interested to know, Meg, that action to impeach William Barr seems to have begun per a retweet from Hoarse Whisperer.

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