There are a lot of moving parts to Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, but the one constant has been a steady stomp to the MAGA or “America First” Right. Those of us who have to spend more time than we like on Twitter now see our feeds half full of MAGA posts from people we’ve never heard of. That’s a change.

Additionally, as I’ve previously written, Musk’s purchase was such an “impulse buy” with an offer so overvalued that Twitter was forced to take it on behalf of their shareholders. Musk did his due diligence after he made the purchase offer, and his Tesla stock dove. Suddenly, whereas Musk had never had any real political cares before, it became his only care, that and being the biggest social media troll in existence. He got weird. This is not news.

Meanwhile, Kushner has been the opposite, flying way below the radar, spelunking underground, and taking submarines rather than appearing above the service. His brand-spanking new investment firm got $2 billion from the Saudi Royal Trust almost immediately upon opening. It felt a little transactional. After all, why Jared? Jared didn’t exactly have a stellar business reputation going into the White House. He actually needed a “just in time” refinance by a group of… Qatari businessmen.

When did Musk and Kushner become friends? I mean, they sat right next to each other during the entire match! That is a big event, a lot of pictures, both could have had anyone on earth sitting beside them (practically), and yet there they were.

A good writer once had a novel character say that “some of history’s biggest coincidences were a product of long-planned, sharply precise, and engineered with hard work. I refuse to dive into a conspiratorial rabbit hole here but there are a lot of conflicts of interest sitting beside each other in a nation that is fully conflicted and has its hands in everything, including American politics.

So, what were they doing together? I think it would serve us well to know. But I bet we won’t know until whatever they are doing together is already done. It may be just a way to squeeze money out of something. But lately, Musk has been draining money in order to get into politics. (No, he cannot be president, as we all know, he was born in South Africa, and acts like it.)

Twitter thinks it has a lot of answers. None are better than your internal questions, knowing that something “appears” wrong. If you would like to see Twitter’s speculation, click the tweet above. It doesn’t belong printed here.
[email protected], @JasonMiciak, SUBSTACK: Velensky Person of the Year

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  1. Bear in mind it wasn’t just Elon and Jared in that luxury skybox – take a look at all those Saudis. There was at least one Prince in there too and probably more than one. Not to mention other Saudi honchos and who know who from other countries?

  2. Call me a hardass,(as Tony soprano said: I’m not running a fucking popularity contest), but I think Joe is on the wrong side doing photo ops with proven killers. I used to like a number of PGA pros I now have no use for. They’re already richer than most but sold their fucking souls to the Saudis. Fuck Greg, Phil, Dustin and the rest. Tools used to clean off the blood. I may not watch the masters for the same reason. Fuck those white racists bastards in Georgia. If they had dismembered three toes horse face, I bet they would have said no way.

  3. I like the sideways worried glance by the one guy on the right side of the image. His eyes seem to be saying “taking a photo of Musk and Kushner isn’t a good idea. I wonder what he knows that we don’t?


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