It is a new age in the “America First” movement and on Planet MAGA. When “Governor” Sarah Huckabee Sanders won’t endorse the man that got her the job in the first place? Something is up. And she is refusing to endorse him. From the video below.

“I love the president, have a great relationship with him. I know our country would be infinitely better off if he was in office right now instead of Joe Biden.

Sarah! The president IS Joe Biden. This isn’t that hard to track. Come on, smokey eyes. You can do better. We know that the MAGAs insist on always calling Trump “the president,” but you’re a governor now. (Incidentally, a funny story from the Special Master Cannon assigned to look through the files for privileged material, he had to stop Trump’s attorneys once and say, “When you say ‘the president,’ do you mean President Biden,” leading to sheepish looks.)

“But right now, my focus isn’t 2024. It’s focusing here in Arkansas and doing what we can to empower the people of this state, and make sure that I’m delivering on the promises that I laid out over the course of the last two years.

Your focus is to avoid backing the loser. You will back the person who looks like an eventual winner, hoping to earn a VP or cabinet position.

“My focus isn’t on 2024. It’s on what we can deliver in this legislative session. I’m not going to set an arbitrary timeline. I’m not really focused on that at all.” – Sarah Sanders, dodging multiple questions on endorsing Trump.

Again, certainly not an “arbitrary” timeline. She will follow the one that finally produces a clear leader who will be nominated. Only then will she make her endorsement. Wanna bet that Sarah Huck endorses Ron DeSantis?


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  1. The defective clone of Miss Piggy (who, FYI, was a much nicer person than THIS cheap copy) is saying this for the same reason as so many others right now. She knows or at least suspects he’s over and wants to be part of what’s next.


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