‘Who Is America?’ A Bare A$$ed Republican Shouting, ‘I’ll Make You A Homosexual!’


The Republicans can’t be this stupid but they are. Just last week comedian Sacha Baron Cohen got gun-rights advocates and GOP congressmen to endorse arming 3-year-olds as part of a school-defense program called Kinder Guardians. Now Cohen has convinced George State Rep. Jason Spencer to show his stuff, literally, in what Spencer thinks is anti-terrorist training. Take a look.

Now what is totally hilarious is that Spencer has issued a statement, which plays right alongside the video below, stating he thought he was taking self-defense and anti-terrorism classes and he believes, apparently, that showing one’s bare butt and threatening, “I’ll touch you with my bare buttocks, I’ll make you a homosexual,” would actually be a deterrent in a real life encounter with an actual terrorist. Spencer also yelled racial slurs when Cohen told him that was a way to “get attention,” and as a bonus there’s a post-credits video from Spencer which says everything you need to know about Spencer’s mental landscape.

Huffington Post:

“All you damn sand-ni**ers over in the Middle East, we are tired of you coming to America and we are tired of you trying to threaten us,” Spencer says in a post-credits video titled, “A Message to Terrorists from Rep. Jason Spencer.”

In addition to brandishing a knife, Spencer continues his rampage: “We will cut off your dick, you understand? We will take your dick and we will shove it in your mouth. How are you going to rape children and women without a dick?”

The Governor of Georgia, Republican Nathan Deal, said he was “disgusted” by Spencer’s display, but not enough to call for his resignation, apparently. This is an elected Republican lawmaker, ladies and gentlemen, and the boss won’t get rid of him. State of Georgia, best of luck.

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