There are obvious differences between Greg Abbott and Beto O’Rourke but in the aftermath of the horrific school shooting in Uvalde, the contrast could not be more dramatic.

Let’s begin by revisiting a tweet by Greg Abbott in his first year as Governor, a tweet that Jonathon Katz put in perspective with an observation of his own.

This infamous tweet resurfaces every time there’s a fatal shooting in Texas.

What’s particularly insane about this tweet is if you look in the comments there are like 10 different, specific dates where people are telling him he has blood on his hands. just shows you how common mass shootings are
— GITMO Security Consultant Drew Brees (@pff_sucks) May 24, 2022

Child deaths by gun violence have more than doubled during Abbott’s tenure and his actions as Governor have directly contributed to the increase. He’s been asked several times to delete the old tweet but he never has.

Fast forward to Tuesday, May 24 this year. Following the horrific shooting at Robb Elementary School, did Greg Abbott hurry to the town of Uvalde to get a first-hand account of the tragedy and meet with grieving parents? No, it was Beto O’Rourke who did that. Abbott had a more pressing engagement.

The next day, May 25, a press conference was held, loaded with as many officials as they could squeeze onto the auditorium stage. In his capacity as a constituent and father of three school-aged children, Beto O’Rourke walked calmly to the front of the room to address Abbott as Governor, Ted Cruz as Senator, and the various officials arrayed around them like a security blanket. “You said this was not predictable? This is totally predictable when you choose not to do anything,” he told them. “This is on you.”

But the truth, especially in such a public forum, can hurt GOP political careers so none of them wanted to hear it. They visibly bristled with anger and all their outrage was directed at Beto. They showed none on behalf of the 21 victims and their families. They called Beto an asshole and sick SOB while referring to the killer as an 18-year-old high school dropout.

And that was another black mark against Abbott, the age of the killer.

Security was ordered to evict Beto from the building presumably because he also happens to be the Democratic challenger for Abbot’s seat and Abbott does not like being challenged at his photo ops. Besides, he needed to get on with his speech because he had another fundraiser to attend after this press conference.

It was interesting to see the two of them in the same room, albeit for a very short time. The contrast is stark. Beto is a passionate and compassionate human being and that’s understated. Abbott is a heartless political animal and that’s being generous.

While Abbott attended to fundraising and the business of campaigning, this is what Beto O’Rourke was doing Thursday.

This weekend the NRA is holding a convention in Houston, some four hours down the I-10W and US-90W from Uvalde. Greg Abbott has a prime speaking slot at the convention because of course he does. The NRA owns a piece of him.

Congressman Adam Schiff included Ted Cruz in his admonishment.

Abbott has been shamed into not attending the NRA knees-up in person but he has not cancelled. Instead, he’ll be delivering his speech via video link. After all, he has his priorities. The Association and its members are major donors and it’s too big an opportunity to generate the kind of publicity the maga cult and right-wing media crave. He’s not about to miss it.

As far as we know, Ted Cruz will still be attending in person. Unlike Abbott, Cruz is not up for re-election this year.

But Schiff’s stinging “While parents are burying their children?” will not be erased by an Abbott trip to Uvalde nor by whatever hyperbolic hypocrisy Cruz spews at the convention. Texans will remember what they did and said and, even more importantly, what they haven’t done and what they continue to refuse to do.

Brian Taylor Cohen:

It should have been and it may yet be when Texans go to the polls in November and reject the heartless monster for a compassionate human being.

H/T @KrummyKitty


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  1. The TX GOP is responsible for most of the problems Texas has. They’ve had power since 2004, and have just made things worse.

  2. The goal Texans all.need to become e rapidly unemployed,,starting with every cop in Uvalde,,followed by Abbott,,Cruz,,Paxton etc al.
    Vote blue,,Texas. Rid the state of officials who care,more about guns than kids

  3. GOP=Guns Over People. Excellent piece, Michelle. O’Rourke and Schiff are definitely two of my favorite men, for obvious reasons.

    • Beto is an amazing, extraordinary young man. He is a once-in-a-lifetime candidate.

      I do not understand how anyone could bring themselves to vote for Abbott.


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