James Comer just can’t seem to wrap his head around the shockingly obvious fact that he’s been had. Not only has he been had, but right-wing media has had a simply dreadful week as well since it’s been revealed that Alexander Smirnov, the man who was going to bring the Biden impeachment home, the player that was going to win the game, and we mean bigly, setting the stage for a dramatic Trump return (on the ashes of the present administration) has turned out to be the stuff of B-grade movies from the 1940’s; i.e., a Russian operative. This a script for Humphrey Bogart, right here. Comer just can’t get it.

Lying to the feds and falsifying records is not a good idea. Ask Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, remember them?  The two Soviet-born businessmen with ties to Rudy Giuliani? That’s the only thing missing here, we haven’t found Alexander Smirnov’s ties to Rudy — yet. It would come as a shock to absolutely no one if those ties did in fact exist.

Here’s Rick Wilson’s take, cogent and comical as always.

Impeachment Is Over

The chances of Jim Comer and Gym Jordan pulling off an impeachment of Joe Biden before this week were vanishingly small. After the news that the FBI’s main source was arrested for lying to the FBI about Joe and Hunter Biden, those chances dropped even more.

GOP’s Biden Impeachment Witness Told Feds He Got Stories From Russian Officials covers the topline: the star witness in the Comer/Jordan/Johnson impeachment case against Joe Biden was not simply arrested for lying about nearly every detail of the case, but — quel surprise! — the man on whom the MAGA Caucus hung their entire case is a damn Russian intelligence conduit.

In 2016, the Russians executed the greatest intelligence and propaganda coup in modern history. In 2024 the GOP isn’t just a credulous conduit for Russian agitprop; they’re sitting there like baby birds begging to be fed by Daddy Vlad.

If you want a remarkable insight into the House GOP, read the Special Counsel’s filing arguing for ongoing detention of the star witness in their case against Joe Biden.

Aside from the fact that the FBI determined Smirnov was lying about everything in the case, he was working both sides.

Here’s the end of the phony impeachment drama in one sentence: During his custodial interview on February 14, Smirnov admitted that officials associated with Russian intelligence were involved in passing a story about Businessperson 1. (Businessperson 1 is, of course, Hunter Biden.)

But it’s the Democrats who are “playing the Russian card.” And maybe that’s the case. Maybe the Democrats have “a” Russian card. Because it’s for damn certain which party is playing the other 51 Russian cards in the deck. That’s a certainty.

Jordan and Comer are done. And they haven’t got the slightest idea what to do for an encore. This witness and the iffy FBI paperwork that they mischaracterized to the hilt was going to sway this election and make heroes out of them both. And now they’re just standing there looking stupid.

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  1. They only complain about the ‘Russia card’ played against them because they’re not playing with a full deck. They clearly have no Aces – indeed most of their cards appear to be Jokers.

  2. They already looked stupid. Bigly so in fact. What the “Jimbo Twins” are proving there’s a corollary to the saying “No matter how bad things get, they can always get worse.” In this case they are proving “No matter how stupid some dipshits make themselves look they can find a way to look ever STUPIDER.”

    Move over Don Jr. and Eric. There’s a new pair of “Stupide GOPer” Poster Boys! I wish that ten years ago I’d invested every spare cent I had in popcorn futures because you just know Trump’s boys aren’t going to take losing the title well. Jerry Springer proved decades ago the masses love their shit-shows and the competition for the title of dumbest GOPer twins will be a sight to see. Elon Musk is probably torn up inside. On the one hand he wants Trump back in power to ensure both no regulation and another tax cut. On the other hand the traffic on twitter ratioing these idiots will go through the roof and twitter needs the revenue. I can’t help but think he’s at a point where if he could unload it and maybe only take a five billion or so loss he’d jump at it.

    Well, like I say you have to take your entertainment where you can find it. And tomorrow? Ten bucks says we’ll have MTG trying to horn in on the action and maybe Bobo too. A THIRD set of twins vying for the crown? If we didn’t have real, important things we need to focus on and get done I’d love nothing more than this GOP idiocy.

    • Granted, gym bag and comer are pretty effing stupid-this cannot be denied. I don’t think Qusay and Uday have to worry yet about losing a place on the poster or their crowns. They both have a great deal of past moronic statements, behavior, etc. and are still alive to make even more. Now bobo and marjie kooky pants? They ARE closing in. It is nice tho’ to see gals in the competition.


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