Talk about rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Rudy Giuliani filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy Thursday morning, an action which has people either shrugging or shaking their heads. This in no way, shape or form gets Giuliani off the hook for the $148 million judgment awarded this week to Georgia election workers Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman. It’s a complete exercise in futility.

Nonetheless, it does provide insight into Rudy’s “finances” which should cheer up anybody reading about it. If you think you’ve made a hash out of your financial issues, you can’t hold a candle to Rudy. He has $500 million in debts and between $1 and $10 million in assets. That’s a net personal worth of minus $490 million dollars. Hey, Rudy, many of us are thousand-aires but at least we’ve got a net worth which is positive, not the national debt of some small island nation.

Holy Pissing In The Wind, Batman! This will avail Rudy precisely nothing. Rudy is now in Alex Jones territory. Jones tried to avoid paying the Sandy Hook families on their defamation verdict (not to mention the fact that he endangered their lives) by filing for bankruptcy and it didn’t work. Jones has had to apply for a payment plan whereby he sends millions of dollars to the families each year.

Likewise, Rudy will probably end up doing the same thing, although the big difference between Alex Jones and Rudy Giuliani is that one of them makes a lot of money spreading conspiracy theory and the other one has a radio show which may bring in a few dollars but not very many.

That’s why Rudy has had to sell Mike Lindell’s slippers and do Cameo videos for cash. What will happen now is that Rudy’s assets will be assessed and he’ll have to start paying out what he can pay out. I despair of Moss and Freeman ever seeing their $148 million or anywhere close to it, but if they could get a couple of million, at least that would be something.

In any event, all the dirty linen is being aired in public now. Rudy’s business is in the street. We’ll soon see what his New York apartment goes for, what his cars, stocks, whatever he has, will bring on the open market.

Rudy was seduced by the mirage of power that Donald Trump generated. And now he’s going to pay one hell of a price. And it couldn’t happen to a more deserving a-hole.

But that’s not his real problem. His real problem is that he’s got to stand trial in Georgia and Fani Willis could put him behind bars. Evidently Giuliani decided that he was bulletproof and above the law at some point and the same was true about Trump. Now, we are going to see.

Have a Happy New Year, Rudy. At least for the moment you’ve got your personal liberty.


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  1. I don’t get it either. The judge entered an order to pay his judgement to Freeman and Moss now. He doesn’t have it so my understanding is that he had to post a bond and details on selling off much of his assets and garnishing future earnings would be worked out. He wouldn’t have been in the poorhouse but would have been marginally better off than most people. This? It seems like a mistake to me because it will be “fire sale” time and will be left with a very basic existence. I don’t think he thought this through. Then again I don’t know bankruptcy law. However, there’ll be no more concealing assets. If he puts his name to legal documents certifying what he has and lies he’s screwed. That would be perjury and while some rich folks turned into mere really well off folks might not get prosecuted HE would.

    • I think what happened is that he has all these creditors at his throat and decided that the only way he could handle it would be through BK. It’s not a good idea, because you’re right, it forces things into “fire sale” mode. But I also think he simply didn’t have another option. Or, at least he didn’t have another option he felt he could use. Rudy is not at the top of his game these days, let’s just say that much. He let the circumstances of his life get out of hand some time ago and that is deadly.

  2. Giuliani is toast, burnt to ashes. He filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy in the Southern District of New York today and his debts exceed his assets by as much as $500 million. Which suggests he will be literally on the street selling pencils from a cup in a year’s time, assuming he doesn’t take up residence in the big house with many doors and few windows. This is gonna be one of those Shawshank Redemption moments when the movie is made.

    • Yeah, I remember reading that Rudy is drowning in debt — including alimony payments to his ex(es): think Titanic after it had several water-tight compartments breached by that iceberg. This $148 million judgment is the equivalent of a U-boat scoring hits with a couple of torpedoes.

      Unless Rudy has a rich admirer who can provide him a place to live rent-free, he’s looking forward to living out of a cardboard box for the rest of his life. Or maybe, if he’s lucky, a second-hand tent.

  3. “Rudy is now in Alex Jones territory. Jones tried to avoid paying the Sandy Hook families on their defamation verdict (not to mention the fact that he endangered their lives) by filing for bankruptcy and it didn’t work. Jones has had to apply for a payment plan whereby he sends millions of dollars to the families each year.”

    Whoever approved that idea should be tossed from the bench (and preferably into a swarm of Africanized honeybees). Those families spent years being subjected to Jones’s irrational and slanderous rantings; they shouldn’t have to spend years getting paltry amounts of money because Jones tried to plead poverty. The man IS still out there, pushing all his nonsense and all his merchandise, just like he’s been doing for the past decade. Every single piece of Jones’s “Infowars” media setup should’ve been confiscated and sold off if Jones couldn’t make good on his debt. There’s no “freedom of speech” issue in play. You’re free to say whatever the hell you want to but that does NOT mean you can get away with lying. (Carol Burnett let “The National Enquirer” off way too easily with her suit against them decades ago. If she’d gone after the operation to the point where they went bankrupt, then the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and Alex Jones would’ve never been allowed to get as far as they did with pushing lies.)

  4. Giuliani’s best option might be to plead guilty in Georgia and demand the maximum sentence, refusing to accept anything less or any time off for good behavior.
    It would guarantee him a roof over his head and 3 meals a day for the rest of his life. That just might be a batter prospect than becoming a 21st century Apple Annie.


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