I feel great compassion for Hunter Biden. He’s a man of substantial gifts. He got his B.A. at Georgetown, his J.D. at Yale. Those are tickets that will take you places. That’s the good news. The bad news is that Hunter Biden lost his mother, sister, and brother. Those are some terrible losses. He fell into depression and addiction, lost his Navy career and now he’s being persecuted by a do-nothing Republican party, for the “crime” of being Joe Biden’s son.

If Joe wasn’t in the White House, nobody would give a rat’s azz about Hunter’s drug use, Hunter’s gun use, whether Hunter slept with women, men, or chickens. It would all be a moot point. But since they need to take a shot at Joe, they’re attacking his weak flank, which is the sad life of his son.

Using a politician’s children to get at him is against all rules of engagement in politics and amongst civilized people generally. But we are not talking about civilized people doing this. We’re talking about this unspeakable lame iteration of the Republican party. Axios:

What they’re saying: “As expected, prosecutors filed charges today that they deemed were not warranted just six weeks ago following a five-year investigation into this case,” Abbe Lowell, an attorney for Hunter Biden, said in a statement.

  • “The evidence in this matter has not changed in the last six weeks, but the law has and so has MAGA Republicans’ improper and partisan interference in this process.”

  • “We believe these charges are barred by the agreement the prosecutors made with Mr. Biden, the recent rulings by several federal courts that this statute is unconstitutional, and the facts that he did not violate that law, and we plan to demonstrate all of that in court,” Lowell said.

Zoom out: Hunter Biden’s plea deal fell apart in a surprisingly contentious court hearing in July because the two sides couldn’t agree on whether the arrangement guaranteed the end of the investigation, Weiss wrote in a filing.

  • The deal included probation for a guilty plea to two tax misdemeanors, and a diversionary agreement on a gun-related felony for owning a weapon while using drugs.

  • The plea agreement hit a snag in court and the judge said she wasn’t ready to accept the terms of a revised deal.

  • Weiss, who was been investigating Hunter Biden since the Trump administration, was elevated to special counsel status last month by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

    • Garland said that the appointment of Weiss as special counsel came after Weiss said the investigation into the president’s son had “reached the stage” where the powers of a special counsel were necessary.

And of course the indictment coincides with the faux indictment of Dad. Although, ironically, giving the Republicans what they want is the only thing that’s worse than not giving them what they want. Both James Comer and Donald Trump have chimed in in the past hour, commiserating that the indictment “can’t be tied to Joe Biden.” Darn.

Meanwhile, look at this azzhole. Does he even know his eyes aren’t open, I wonder?

Now I see this issue as very basic: 1. Junior is on drugs, or maybe this is just him being an “animated guy” as he has said in the past. 2. What did he put on his application for a gun permit? Because you know he’s got many guns. He brags about it and is photographed with them all the time.

And does anybody recall this gem?

Truest thing you ever said, Junior. You have no idea what the hell is happening. We concur. See, it’s even possible to agree with Donald Trump, Jr. from time to time, what miracles doth God continue to provide.

Since you’re here, here’s James Comer’s beef.

Buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy night.

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  1. Further evidence that Frank Wilhoit was right…

    “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”

    And guess who is in the ‘in’ group?

  2. Using pol’s children who actually ARE children is in general against the rules. Children who are adults generally do not get this special treatment.


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