We will know a lot more about the fate of Madison Cawthorn when this night is out, or so the sages say. Legend has it that the Mango Messiah saw Cawthorn going through a rocky passage after he managed to incense North Carolina Republicans and most of the entire GOP with his nonsense about drug-fueled sex orgies he was invited to by the Old Guard GOPers (the ones he used to admire) and so Donald Trump extended a helping hand. We will see how that goes tonight. You’ve already seen Cawthorn rise from his wheelchair. We assume that snake handling and tongues come next.

As to the rest of the playbill, from the sounds of the crowd, this week’s rally is virtually a clone of last week’s rally. Space Force restoring Trump to the White House is developing as a theme.

Here are two videos, one from last weekend, one from today, as the faithful stand in line to be interviewed by Right Side Broadcasting.

The reason MAGA is now emphatically defined as a cult, far more than a political movement, is because of the unreality attached to it. Here’s what that looks like.

Say what you will about Bernie Sanders, his followers liked him because he articulated a platform and he never introduced anything insane into it like Trump has. That is the difference between a populist movement and a cult.

And this chimes in with the religiosity of the event.

Now here’s a little kid who’s going to get a whooping when he gets home. He knows who the president is. His parents don’t. Oops.

I’m not sure what this one means. The speaker is saying there was “Antifa at the White House” on January 6. Um…that would mean that Trump let them in? Or Rudy? Ivanka, maybe?

You now thoroughly have the flavor of this mess. Let us see what Trump does. I anticipate the same old stolen election drivel but who knows? Maybe he’ll surprise us. Nothing Cawthorn will do could be a surprise — short of his resigning his office on the spot. Now that would be a miracle.



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    • Too bad jimbo Jones didn’t leave his recipe for the fast track to Jesus. I would volunteer to pass out the sacrament to adults only. Clearly the children are just hostages. The law allows this cancer to spread while locking up harmless pot smokers cuz they are somehow a danger. Sure. Way to go assholes. Guess all those dollars from the stocks in the pharmaceutical, etoh, tobbaco,& private prison industries will be worth the cult driven fascism. Fox can spread death, fraud & fascism 24/7 & they are legally off limits. The LAW has created all this with its clique, its hypocrisy, its institutional support of racism & white priviledge. The culture evoles from its laws. The ‘law’ endorsed genocide, slavery, & greed from the beginning. I believe this is called ‘the chickens coming home to roost’. Cue up the rationalizations.

  1. You cannot argue with his base. Evangelical Christians now accept Trump as some sort of God’s Chosen One. It is now a matter of faith for them. And faith isn’t based on facts.
    12 years vin GA taught name that. Try being Wiccan there. Grateful we got up in Western Mass before 2016. I would probably have pulled a,Will Smith on.the Niece From.He’ll when she spent Xmas praising him. Of course she refused to set foot in miles house if we were there, so we might have gotten lucky!

  2. I’ve been saying to myself that, in the end, Hitler’s world ended up as a pile of rubble, but it took six years to get there. If there’s a Just God, a meteorite would land on the Kremlin (NOW!) to cut this all short. But, then I recall the wisdom that “God helps those who help themselves.” Until this piece, where the Space Force is invoked, I just plain hadn’t seen the answer to my train of thought. They need to be getting their mission orders to go out and nudge a meteorite appropriately.


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