Donald Trump is not of this world. He may physically be in it, but on all other levels, he is a being unlike the rest of us. The man honestly cannot distinguish reality from fantasy and because he’s been insulated from reality by wealth all his life, he’s never had to learn to adjust to disappointment, failure, loss, things that the rest of us take for granted as the rites of passage to adulthood — certainly to maturity. He cannot take a situation at face value and analyze it in sane or measured terms, again, because he’s never had to. He’s always been able to put his strange spin on any given situation and then roll the dice. And when the dice came up losing, no problem, declare bankruptcy move on to the next table, get into another game.

For the nth time, I simply marvel that such a creature was able to get to where he got, the highest office in the land, running on pure high octane bullshit and nothing else. But then again, he could not have done it but for the abject corruption of the Republican party. They enabled him every step of the way, ignoring his most egregious flaws, lying for him, and violating their oaths of office to protect him and keep him in office. At the end of the day, this is their show. They cast it, directed it, produced it. They own it.

In all events, Trump, happy as a clam, decided to tweet out what to him is joyous news of the second coming of the Trump kingdom, namely the New York Post cover page, quoting Trump’s cockamamie opinion that New York is in play — simply because he wishes it was.

As I said in my earlier piece, Trump will find the cure for cancer before he wins New York. Therefore, it was not surprising in the least to find out that Twitter had had the same reaction as I did.

This comment reminds me of an evangelical wingnut I knew. She used to chant Bible passages, like they were incantations. She believed that if she did this diligently enough, real estate would appear in her name. Seriously. There’s a lot of mental illness in this country, or we wouldn’t be here discussing Donald Trump.

A lot of people hated Nixon, but not like this.

What’s interesting is how Trump falls back on tried and true forms:

  1. He says something stupid;
  2. It gets reported somewhere;
  3. Trump makes the fact that it was reported somewhere mean that it’s real;
  4. He then goes on talking about it, as though it was real;
  5. He continues this pattern until reality shuts him down and he has to declare another bankruptcy.

Bottom line, he needs to go down in flames at the ballot box, so we can be done with him once and for all.



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    • Thanks, Deb. They do hate him in NYC. They have since the 80’s. I don’t know what he could be thinking about, to even say this. I guess it’s just throw it at the wall and see what sticks time.

  1. I sometimes like to fantasize about Trump using the laws of physics – specifically stars and black holes.

    Stars that have used up their fuel sometimes collapse so quickly that they create a black hole. In physics what’s formed is called a singfularity – an infinite point of nothingness from which nothing, even light (hence the term black hole) can escape.

    Trump’s proverbial fifteen minutes should have been up a long time ago, but somehow the outer shell of his “star” continued to burn while the inside continually has lost fuel. I like to think he has expanded much like a dying star does, but having long ago lost so much inside he will be one of those stars that suddenly collapse into a singularity.


    Much as I’d enjoy seeing periodic images of him sitting in prison rotting away in his scratchy polyester orange jumpsuit with mottled skin (no more daily orange spray tans) and those long, stingy locks of hair on the side of his head self-styled in an even more pathetic comb-over than his current team of stylists probably need an hour to produce each day (how many coats of laquer does it take to hold it in place?) I’d be content for one look at his ass “collapsing on to his prison bunk and never be seen or heard from again. IOW public oblivion as stark as a singularity out among the true stars.

    Dying broke with the assets of his company having been seized, with no media to play to would be greater torture for him than being treated the way certain prisoners and gangs treat “new meat.” I wouldn’t wish the latter on anyone, even Trump despite his many sexual assaults (and those guys don’t do at all well in prison) but I’m down with every bit of the kind of psychological torment I described because he brought it ALL on himself.

  2. Yeah, Trump is uncontrollable and out of control as he has been for 70 plus years. But the Republican Party peeps KNOW BETTER and they protect, enable, support his deadly crimes anyway because it suits them and they care not one jot more than he cares who dies, how many die, or whether the country itself is left in dusty burning tatters.

    NEVER FORGET THAT! Trump, Mitch, and Gang are Russian assets, witting or no wit at all.

    • I wonder why, if they all love Russia that much, as they apparently all do, that they do not move there and make it their motherland. Even if they became oligarchs I think they would change their tunes because if they displeased Putin in some way, they might have to worry about being pushed out of a window several stories up or stuck with a poisonous needle. That seems to happen a lot there.


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