We Have Come Full Circle


What’s the plan for the campaign? Let Trump be Trump   Corey Lewandowski   2016

What’s the old saying? Oh, yeah, Be careful what you ask for. The quote above was expressed by Trump’s then campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, in the spring of 2016. At that time, they had an emotionally unstable, erratic, unqualified, long shot candidate for the GOP nomination for the presidency. He had no skills, no credentials, but a very carefully crafted universal television persona. In other words, as long as he’s attracting the freaks, let the Trump freak flag fly!

Now, cast your mind back to January 20, 2017. We had just seen a totally unqualified, narcissistic, megalomaniacal man child as the President of the United States, and what is the best comfort that the Trump administration could offer us? Don’t worry, we have some really smart, experienced people to act as guardrails to his baser instincts. Really? Nothing about the fact that we have an out of control train running downhill on the tracks, just the fact that we have, hopefully, somebody to pull the speed brake if he gets too far out of control.

And now here we are, in October of 2020. And I was gob smacked to hear that GOP operatives, as well as Trump campaign staff were calling Steve fucking Schmidt to complain that they were freaking out about the meltdown of the Trump campaign!  Sweet Jesus, when you reach the point that you’re reaching out to a guy who’s pushing out attack ads against your candidate for assistance, you’re really in the hurt locker!

What are all of these Republicans complaining about? Their entire strategy from day one was to let Trump be Trump. Just cast your minds back,. How many times have you heard that in the past? Just let Trump be Trump!

And now they’re getting their fondest wish. As I referred to him in a previous article, we now have Trumpjango Unchained. The guardrails are all gone, There is nothing left but pure unadulterated Trump, and all of a sudden the kiddies are terrified by what they see.

After he ditched his keepers at Walter Reed Medical Center, Trump put out a rambling, disjointed video, in which he instructed people to not let the coronavirus rule them, or their lives. This was a bald slap in the face to every family who has had to nurse a coronavirus patient back to health, and even more so to every family of the 211,000 who have lost a loved one. And today he released a brain dead video in which he called his infection a gift from God, and that as a result he now had a cure that he would share with every American.

Why are you guys so upset? You finally have what you have always wanted, a totally unchained, unrestricted Trump, laying his soul bare to the American people. This is Trump. Who he is, what he is, and how he is. Why aren’t y’all putting out inspirational ads, full of Trump standing on the Truman balcony, heaving to catch his breath while he salutes Marine One as it takes off? Come on, this is your moment!

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. These people are monsters. This week our putrid Republican governor has gotten rid of his mask mandate for not only the state fair, but also for the election. And of course there is no early voting, just the absentee voting. He is sucking up to Trump and hoping it will keep Mississippi in R column. Espy is pretty much tied with the R.

    • Today, the moderator asked Pence what he would say to the American people about a presidents that refuses to be a role model of Covid precautions. He said he trusted the American people to take proper precautions regardless of the messages from the White House. In other words, Pence told the American people to ignore Trump and WH spokespersons (presumably including Pence himself).

    • No better here in TN, Blue. MY dipshit governor just reopened businesses in all but six counties, all but ensuring a third wave of COVID by the end of November (and that’s being generous). Got my absentee ballot yesterday and I wasted zero time in filling that puppy out, sealing it back in its envelope and putting it right back in the mail. As ruby red as this state is (I keep saying this is the year it’s going to turn into MS or AL), election interference is fairly unlikely. Be nice if a nasty surprise ambushed them on Election Night.

  2. A good portion of Trump supporters are like Percy on The Green Mile. They’d love to see someone cook to death. They sowed the wind wanting Trump in charge, now are reaping ample amounts of whirlwind.

  3. Now Trump is blaming GOLD STAR FAMILIES for getting Covid! I read through some news stories before checking back in here and there’s a story from Politico reporting on what he told Maria Bartiromo in an interview. The way this idiot is increasingly shooting himself in the foot makes me wonder if some magical fusion of Yosemite Sam has melded with Barney Fife and installed itself in the space where Trump’s brain is supposed to be! He’s already bleeding military and veteran’s support and that means bleeding support with those same active duty and veterans people’s family and close friends too! It’s no wonder the GOP is panicking. Trump has broken their b.s. spell with the military and and it seems seniors too. Both groups have been core GOP constituencies for most of my life. Now the scales are falling from their eyes. I can’t help but wonder if, long before this time next year the recriminations directed at the GOP powers that failed to kneecap Trump early in the 2016 primaries, and also the Senators that refused to remove him when the House teed up the chance with impeachment will make the GOP color red more than a metaphor cause a lot of GOP blood is going to be spilt in their internecine warfare.

    • Hell, Denis, what did you think they were going to do after Trump was gone? They sure weren’t going to blame themselves, their post-W lack of leadership and implicit assumptions of immortality on the part of both their base and themselves. Nah, gotta be someone else’s fault.

    • With his usual story about how “they can’t help themselves, they just want to hug and kiss me” – which is like, EEEWWWW.

      ETA: he’s claiming he got it from *them* which is a bald-faced lie.

  4. I believe Senator Harris missed a real opportunity there. She could have pointed out that the initial Press Briefings of the Coronavirus Task Force went well, with VP Pence in charge and sorta running an ensemble Q&A. (Then of course President Trump noticed the ratings, placed himself front and center, and the rest is history.)

    Praising VP Pence’s role at the start, and blaming the President for the subsequent deterioration, would IMHO have had several benefits.

    1. It would have got under the President’s skin big time.
    2. It would have given her criticism more bite, by way of contrast.
    3. VP Pence would have had a tricky balancing act in reply, having to stay gracious because he’s been PERSONALLY treated with respect also having to avoid triggering the President.


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