Revenge is a dish best served cold, we are given to understand, and crow is a dish ritualistically consumed the day after an election goes south. We’ve all eaten it. Crow is a dish usually washed down with plenty of tears first.

Glenn Youngkin did not have the greatest night, nor did Daniel Cameron. Youngkin was expecting a great red tsunami (maybe such a thing exists on another planet, because the Republicans keep seeing this apparition and the voters keep giving them a different result, entirely, on this blue world.) Youngkin intended to parlay his result into a possible late announcement of his presidential candidacy, as the new Republican standard bearer, here to do for the nation what he just did for Virginia. Now, he’s trying to hide. Same with Daniel Cameron, who was going to be the next governor of Kentucky and that didn’t quite work out, either.

The thing with both Cameron and Youngkin, at least this is my speculation, is that they believe their own right-wing media bubbles. Fox News was blasting out the edicts of both these guys pre-election, particularly Youngkin. Youngkin had the planks of a brand new GOP platform all assembled and ready to be nailed together. He was going to get up there the day after election day and tell the country how he would do for the United States what he just did for Virginia. And now we’re all sitting here saying, “Good! Glad to hear it! May we depend upon that?!”

I would love nothing more than to see Youngkin do that very thing, make America Virginia. Works for me, totally.

And Cameron is new to this game. He got in over his skis — again, I suspect, because he was listening to Fox News, Newsmax, all that, and those outlets present a warped and amplified vision of an extremist minority.

This fact keeps getting driven home again and again, election after election. It might seriously be a good idea to take heed of what happened last night at the polls and mold a platform that would accommodate things as they are in the real world of the electorate, instead of the fantasy world of right-wing media.

The GOP is utterly lost when it comes to abortion. Abortion was a right in this country for a very long time. People do not want to go back to a pre-1973 reality. Most Americans alive today were born post-1973 and to them having an abortion is a right and writing that out of the law is a very fundamental wrong. This is a generational construct here. It will not change.

The GOP got so used to chanting the “child murder” theme as their mantra that they didn’t consider the fact that it’s falling on deaf ears. The ludicrous lies that are told by Donald Trump and others, about “babies being aborted until the 9th month and then after birth” are perceived by normal minded people as just that, ludicrous lies.

Maybe abortion is the hill that the GOP will choose to die upon. Certainly its most recent casualties are Glenn Youngkin and Daniel Cameron. But again, if the GOP thinks this issue is their salvation, rather than what it obviously is, their doom, then fine. Keep preaching that the GOP will force births and keep watching the Democrats win.


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