This is a day where the Forces of Light were out, in the form of that wonderful young woman, Cassidy Hutchinson, only a few years out of college. She gave me great hope.

Then on the other side of the ledger, Lauren Boebert won her primary. Maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe the Democrat can take her out and that’s always the best alternative.

But then, switching back to the Forces of Darkness, bigly, there is this clown who thinks that it’s funny being the Christian Taliban.

No, that is not parody. It’s also not something to sit and cringe and shake over. He’s a young dick clearly in need of an attention fix and so he got it with this clip. This will make the rounds of the political blogs and social media. If he gets extra lucky, one of the late night hosts will do something with it as well.

What is sad about these people calling themselves “Christian” is that they are all about hate. Not love. Not tolerance. Not inclusivity. Hate.

Maybe they should just come out and be honest about that as well.


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  1. This yahoo is as clueless as they come. Someone needs to knock him upside the head and get his attention and tell him “honey, they’re not going to go back to any such nonsense you’re spewing”. Does he think for a moment women cannot fight? Given women are more intelligent on average, they’ll fight and win by a LOT.

    Con=stupid, that is all there is to it.


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