You are seeing a pattern here and it’s not going to stop: you’re seeing a lot of loonies get up at the microphone at school board, city council and county commissioner meetings. This is grass roots local politics and as I have noted before (and will say again, because it’s important) Michael Flynn is advocating that his extreme right-wing nut job compatriots run for school board. And this notion is not original with him. Franklin Graham used to say it. And Franklin got it from Dad and Dad and Pat Robertson used to kick the idea around in the 80’s, when Robertson first put his theocratic notion of American politics together. All that was needed, he told his PTL Club, was to elect a Christian into all of the elective offices in the country. And if you can’t fill them all, just fill most of them.

If you think it’s a ditzy notion, harken back to the last administration when you had the secretary of state giving Bible study groups at the freaking CIA and the attorney general (the first one) talking about how a secular government could never work, it must be a religious one. And do you recall right after the 2016 election when the fundamentalists were writing letters to Mike Pence to see if he could arrange to teach creationism in schools and not evolution? We lived through some dark and scary times.

But in all truth, I’m not sure if anything that happened when Trump was in office was this batty sounding. This is in a league of its own.

At least she didn’t scream profanities at ear-splitting decibels, I will give her points for that much. Beyond that, the content she shared makes Michelle Bachmann’s tea party nuttiness about Obama using FEMA quarters as prison facilities sound tame by comparison.

And if you recall back in the day, Bachmann’s photo was frequently photoshopped with a strait jacket attached because that’s how off the walls she was then. By today’s norms, Bachmann and Sarah Palin sound like a couple of ding a ling church ladies, a bit o’er zealous but essentially more kooky than harmful. I don’t think we can say the same thing for this fruit fly talking about the Center For Disease Control hatching a plot to create concentration camps. And should we assume it’s all going to be funded with Soros dollars? Just asking.

Imagine a world where once normal-seeming people, people with jobs and homes, kids and pets, all gather together and tell one another conspiracy theories, as cavepeople once gathered around the fire and told ghost stories. Except while the specter of ghosts faded with the daylight, the COVID-19 virus keeps mutating and killing. And still the people make up more stories rather than deal with reality and protect themselves. They see enemies everywhere except in the virus itself. You’ve entered the Twilight Zone.

I wonder if Rod Serling was alive if that synopsis would be too weird even for him? Because I can’t believe this is going on in this country. And make no mistake, this is not random. The right-wing forces of chicanery and hijinks, the Lin Woods and Michael Flynns are staging and orchestrating this.

You’ll see much more of the same. It’s not even September.



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