I don’t know what Fox News is doing but they’re up to something. Yesterday, they ran a video about Donald Trump’s VP short list and Elise Stefanik was conspicuously absent from it. That got tongues a wagging. But this clip, tonight, this is totally inflammatory. It puts pressure on Melania to perform in a manner which is flat out impossible. Do you recall the fantasy about her speaking six languages? When all anybody has actually ever heard her speak is Slovenian and broken English? And this is after over 25 years in America? Take a listen.

“She’s brilliant, she speaks so many languages,” and when does this take place, Donald? When she’s not at the spa or looking at fashion magazines? And Melanoma Melania wants you to think she’s intelligent, too. Check out this DuJour interview, held to be the seminal authority on Melania:

We’ve been talking for less than 10 minutes when Melania broaches the idea that she’s been misrepresented in the media—her silences interpreted as a lack of intelligence, her marriage as some kind of Faustian bargain. If Donald is a winner, as he often repeats in speeches, she—finally—would like you to know that she is, too. “I had a successful modeling career,” she says, and it should be noted, her QVC line of sparkly jewelry sold out in 45 minutes.

In what ways have you been misrepresented, I ask. “That I’m shy,” she says. “I’m not shy. I know what I want, and I’m selective.” No shame there. It’s just that, in terms of political narratives, this one is a little harder to sell. If Michelle Obama is everyone’s favorite Cool Mom—you know, the one with the toned arms and the perfect J.Crew outfit—Melania is seen as the Queen Bee, the helicopter mom with her own helicopter. If she’s defensive about her qualifications, perhaps she has a right to be, considering she’s getting catcalled on a national stage. Earlier that day, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews was caught ogling her walk, accidentally muttering on-air: “My God, is that good. I could watch that runway show.”

“Unbelievable,” she says of Matthews’ comment. “That’s what I’m saying! I’m not only a beauty, I’m smart. I have brains. I’m intelligent.” She exhales, adding: “I would just say, Men will be men.”

So, what are we missing here, Mel? Did you discover a new element, and nobody gave you credit? Or, you were on the short list for the astronaut program, and that just happened to be omitted from your press releases? Did you get a Ph.D. in horticulture? We know you hate fukkinggg Creesmuss trees, but maybe you like other things that grow?

She continues: “To be married to my husband, to someone successful as he is, he needs somebody who will tell him the truth. Somebody smart, you know. It’s not just like I’m there and I’m just doing things for him. People say I’m not on the campaign, [but] I’m very involved from home.” She may DVR Empire (which she calls “interesting, something for fun”), but nightly she’s glued to CNN or Fox News. “I like to know exactly what’s going on,” she says. “I give a lot of advice to my husband and tell him how it is and how I see it. I’m not backing off. I tell him the truth.” She also reveals that she’s the one in the family who has his ear. “After a speech, the kids are calling me—Ivanka, [his] sons—saying, ‘Call dad and tell him this and that. He’s listening to you.’ They know I would talk to him and put him in the right direction. Sometimes he does, and sometimes he doesn’t. He will decide what he does.”

When was the last time you challenged him? I ask.

“This morning!” she says, letting out a big laugh. Was it about something political? “No, something else,” she says, almost giggling. “I cannot say. It’s too private. He was upset about some stuff, and I said, ‘Hey, wake up! You did it. Now deal with it.’ ”

He $hit the bed, maybe? Got his diaper tangled in his zipper, perhaps? Well, let’s see Melania talk to the world in these different languages. Because I recall seeing Jackie Kennedy, who was fluent in French, Spanish and Italian, do just that. She famously was the translator for her husband and then-French president Charlies DeGaulle.

Melania, on the other hand, never spoke in French to Brigette or Emmanuel Macron. Nor did she speak to Angela Merkal in German. She is supposedly fluent in English, French, German, Serbian and her native Slovenian. Let’s see her demonstrate it. Donald Trump is talking the talk, let’s see wifey walk the walk. I’m sure that Angela or Emmanuel or better yet, Justin Trudeau, would welcome a call from Melania, to chit chat in French or German.

And it’s comical that Laura Ingraham brings this up. Because now it’s going to focus attention on her linguistic skills. Fine. Prove us wrong, Melania. Start chatting in German or French. If Melania can do it, I think a lot of people will start apologizing. I certainly would. Let’s see what Melania can do, given that she’s more cultured and educated than Jackie Kennedy, even, who graduated from the Sorbonne and worked in publishing.

This I cannot wait to see. I also cannot wait to see what excuses Team Trump come up with for the lack of Melania on the campaign trail. Will she remain in mourning until November? Possibly. I wouldn’t count that out.


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    • In, “gibberish”, and how to draw large stick people with a black Sharpie Marker on large poster boards being careful to spell names correctly in call-out balloons, setting them on a display at eye level so he can think a while about why these people are important to his money-making scheme …

      Little *Asterisk’s by a stick figure indicate his next person for attack, so he can contact the maga gun nuts for the hit …

      No problem, somebody needs to tell/show Mela-nuts what a sharpie is … 🙂

  1. So, if truth needs to be told to a “successful” husband, she must be lying her ass off to dingleberry. Of course, he had some colossal failures before he met her but her marrying him did not stop any of that from happening ever again. lmao


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