This will give you goose bumps. In the tape you’re about to see, Donald Trump is every bit as whacked out as Humphrey Bogart’s Captain Queeg in Caine Mutiny, only “strawberries” are not the burning issue of a paranoid, delusional man, rather “boxes” and “my things” are.

Here’s Bret Baier attempting to reason with a lunatic.

“They raided my home. They came in and they took things. They ate the strawberries.”

Take a look and compare.

“So like every other president, I take things out. And in my case, I took it out pretty much in a hurry. But people packed it up and we left. And I had clothing in there. I had all sorts of personal items and much, much stuff. And by the way, when Bill Barr, who’s, you know, a coward, Bill Barr was a coward. Bill Barr didn’t do what he was supposed to do. I fired him and he has great hatred. And that’s OK, because some people do. And some people love me very much.”

And they love strawberries. A lot of people love strawberries. And food stores vanishing on a ship is no small thing.

Oh, America. How did we get here? And that’s not the burning question: the question that needs answering is how can we possibly be even toying with a scenario where this madman goes back into power?

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  1. God help us if he gets back in the White House!! He is definitely a LUNATIC! I could only listen to about 5 minutes of his lying and whining. Can’t someone, ANYONE 302 this F’n piece of S**t?? I hope Jack Smith is able to put him in prison and he never sees the light of day again!!!

  2. Would have been better if Garland and Wray hadn’t decided to make it political, by ignoring trump’s involvement and discouraging an investigation for a year. The LAW will get my respect when it’s not the militarized arm of the ruling class. Criminal presidents can break our most sacred laws and walk. Poor folk are criminalized by these criminals with ‘laws’ contrary to science, and admittedly done for political reasons. No justice. No respect. Phuckers!

  3. i’m at the point where I don’t even care if he goes to prison. If he’s confined to Maga-Lago with an ankle bracelet and barred from tweeting, talking to press, fundraising or doing anything but sitting in his tacky ballroom by himself, I’ll be pleased.

    • I don’t think he’ll get barred from social media. I expect him back on Twitter soon because Truth Social is most probably folding its tents in the fall. If they don’t get their financial paperwork in order by July 24, they’ll be delisted on the stock exchange and that’s the first step in their last days in business.


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