One of the first comments that Art Of The Deal author Tony Schwartz made back in the day about Donald Trump was that it is very, very important for him to have you believe that he is much wealthier than he actually is. As his campaign coffers empty out and his fundraising takes a back seat to Joe Biden’s, Trump is not taking it well. And remember, Mr. Moneybags said that he was going to kick in $100 Million of his own money into the campaign. When?

Hard to be a titan of finance with no cash. He disses “Mini Mike” Bloomberg and Jeff “Amazon Washington Post” Bezos, but they really are billionaires.

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  1. And in the town hall Tuesday in Philadelphia, the ordinary people were asking good questions that he couldn’t tapdance past, even though he tried. (Better questions than most “news reporters”.)

  2. God but that was very difficult to watch. Not sure why, but it was. Gotta think about this.
    Okay, I think I have it: we’re so many of us terrified he will cheat his way to a win and this money spot contradicts all the tropes we’re living with right now. We are so afraid of him winning again we appear to be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. If he is really this broke, ditto his campaign, with almost seven weeks to go? Not a good sign for him or his chances. Even the free local news coverage in battleground and swing states isn’t enough to help him fool more people.
    And one has to believe, no mary poppins stuff here, that even the pretty darned hardened Trumpistas are beginning to see the great and glorious unraveling. Both of Trump and then those around him. The lies are now in danger of becoming piranhas eager to eat Trump et al. alive. Sorry, I know that is an awful image, but it’s what it is beginning to look like.


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