The elephant in the room that nobody talks about this election season is election denying. That is what Donald Trump is counting upon to bring home the bacon, both for his hand chosen candidates and for his own continued fundraising and political ambitions.

Election deniers, aka election liars, are tutored to be that way by none other than the Father Of All Lies himself, Trump.

This is a clip showing Blake Masters, post debate with Mark Kelly, receiving tutelage from the Mango Monarch.

This is Trump’s legacy to America, the corrosion of belief in our system of voting. He knows it’s complete bullshit, but he needs to push it to salve his ego. Trump cannot admit that he lost. It’s too devastating. So he’s going to create an alternate reality, which he has, and people it with yes-men and yes-women who will do his bidding. He’s done that as well.

I don’t think this video makes Masters look good. It does, however, have the benefit of carrying the message to the rest of Trump’s sycophants, “get in line and say my favorite line, ‘the election was stolen.'” Maybe that’s the purpose of this.

Masters is polling about three points behind Kelly right now. The polls always tighten in the last two weeks before the election.

If you are in Arizona, or know anybody there, do whatever you can to get out the vote.


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  1. Funny how all these election deniers only deny the validity before the election, or if they lose. If they win suddenly its valid!!! Goddamnit. Can this citizenry sink any lower in our collective stupidity & apathy? We’re gonna get our FINAL result in two weeks. Pray.


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