Donald Trump is speaking in Erie, Pennsylvania Saturday night. He finally ponied up the money he owed the City of Erie and so he will be there. The Democratic National Committee is saturating the market with this ad, in a five figure buy. I hope it’s one of many, because it distills down the basic difference between the two men: one talks the talk and the other walks the walk.

It really is that stark a choice. One talks about what he wants to do and wishes he could figure out how to accomplish and the other talks about what he just achieved.

The bottom line is that one is running for reelection and the other is running to stay out of prison. That, right there, says it all.


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  1. Remember when it was commonly thought criminals not only did not belong in the w.h., we thought they had no path to the presidency. I remember when a presidential candidate pardoned someone while governor and that someone committed a crime afterward–that candidate’s presidency hopes were sunk. Ah those halcyon days.

    Of course, I’m old enough to remember a time when presidents had to be competent people. Then came reagan and competency was no longer a requirement. At least not for the republican party.

    • After Reagan, all they have to do is act like a president. In fact, TFG didn’t even try to act presidential. Remember the Jackson Brown song about the actor we elected as king?

        • The song, End of the Innocence is by Don Henley. It haunted me the first time I heard it and still does. For both broad, and personal reasons. The verse in question is:
          O’ beautiful, for spacious skies
          Now those skies are threatening
          They’re beating plowshares into swords
          For this tired old man that we elected king
          Armchair warriors often fail
          And we’ve been poisoned by these fairy tales
          The lawyers clean up all details
          Since daddy had to lie

          Trump talked the talk, but he was lying every time. He never really cared if any of those things got done or not – but he knew by saying it his MAGA goobers and too many others would be big enough suckers to buy his bullsh*t.

  2. I hope the city government in Erie had enough sense to hit Trump with a down-payment for the current gathering after getting paid for the last time round – or he’ll conveniently skip out that one as well


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