This is one of those clips where only seeing is believing. The Cult of Trump has an iron fist around the neck of the Republican party. This is intriguingly in contrast to which Mitch McConnell said after January 6, as reported by the two New York Times journalists Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns, who wrote This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden and the Battle for American Democracy,

According to them, McConnell was “exhilarated” by what he perceived as the irreparable damage that Trump did to himself by January 6. McConnell said he was “exhilarated by the fact that this fellow finally, totally discredited himself.” According to the book, “He put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger,” and “Couldn’t have happened at a better time.” In fact, McConnell reportedly “seemed almost buoyant” as he concluded Trump was “pretty thoroughly discredited.”

Hoe kay. Maybe you could explain this to us, Mitch. We’d be much obliged.

The debate was just a few days ago. This doesn’t look like the Cult of Trump committed hari kari any time recently, it looks to me like it’s flourishing as well as ever before.

That these GOPers can stand there and tout the “policies” of Trump, as if he had any, when every day it is exposed more how his threatening to dismantle NATO and his withdrawal from the Iran deal and his first diplomatic visit to Saudi Arabia all conspired to unwind centuries of diplomacy and weaken worldwide democracy is a wonder to me.

I honestly don’t know what kind of person is seeking political office these days. I used to believe that politicians were decent and intelligent people, basically and that the best of them had a real desire to make the world better. Maybe at one point they were. Or, maybe I was just Pollyanna and didn’t know it. But there is nothing of honor or intelligence displayed by the people in the clip above. It’s all a paean to the Trump cult of personality.

And who in the name of God would find Trump’s personality worthy of emulation? But you saw the same clip I did. There they are.

I simply marvel that a group of adults are standing there mouthing the words “Trump” and “policy” and legitimizing the reality TV jerk, as though he was a real head of state. My own head is about to explode.

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  1. “Kiss the ring”? Try a little bit lower.

    These people are the most disgusting on the planet starting with their turd emperor.

  2. If Repugs could just get off their knees for a few minutes it would relieve their kneemonia….
    But I guess that would mean they’d have to actually do WORK!


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