This is the life of Donald Trump and this is why he is like he is. He’s surrounded by sycophants on his golf course. They love his swing, they love everything about him.

According to Raw Story, what you’re about to see was reported on by far-right Breitbart News and Russian state-owned media Sputnik.  The announcer you hear does sound Russian or some eastern European language.

Trump is seen teeing off at Trump National Golf Course while wearing a red “Make America Great Again” hat.

The narrator says “now on the tee the 45th president of the United States.”

“The 45th and 47th,” Trump replies, before addressing the ball.

As Robert Mueller said, the Russians are actively interfering in our elections “even as we speak.”


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  1. Pete: ” Hey Tommy, what does the devil look like?”
    Everett: ” well, Pete. The great Satan himself has lesser minions, but he’s covered in red scales, has a bifurcated tail, & carries a pitchfork.”
    Tommy: OH, no SIR! He’s white. White as u folks. He has a big booming voice & hollow eyes, & travels around with a mean old hound.” From O’ Brother, Where Art Thou?
    Uh oh.

    • What would one expect (yes, I know it is prose)? White people think their jeezus was white as the sheets they cover themselves with when they are out ku klucking. I have, and I am not kidding here, seen billboards (outside Helena for one) upon which is not only a white jeezus but the fucker has blue eyes F.F.S.

      No surprise that x-tianity is losing the kids especially the evangs. I do however hold out hope for the future because of these same children. I only hope they hold onto their rational decisions unlike the boomers who turned on their beliefs as soon as they put on their first pair of fat-assed docker pants (thanks George!).

  2. I don’t count stealing an election with ur campaign manager working with Russian military intelligence to target voter lists in the three states he won with a grand total of 77,000 votes. Oh, & lost the vote by 3 fucking million. Last time I checked 3million > 77k. No virginia…he never was legitimate. Oh, & he hid his campaign violations of paying for a porn star to keep quiet right b4 the election.


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