Interesting that a religion based upon the teachings of someone called the Prince Of Peace should feature bloodlust and violent ravings from the pulpit, but that’s the size of it. I don’t know if the size of the crowd here is photoshopped. If it’s not, and people are actually hanging from the rafters in order to hear this guy, Christianity is in big trouble. Humanity is in big trouble, if this is a message that sells.

Interesting that the only cities he called out by name were Los Angeles and New York.

Think of the mind set it takes to believe that this is a good thing. This isn’t like the Rapture, where 144,000 of the holiest of holies ascend into the clouds one day and to their just reward for being pure of heart. No, this is carnage in the streets, bodies stacked up so high that the funeral homes can’t deal with them. Frankly, it sounds a bit like Florida.

I think this is some kind of a purge mentality, that the Gawd who is doing this is the one that this particular congregation of loons prays to and so He will get rid of anybody who believes differently and so what’s left will be heaven on earth — to them. Not to any right thinking person. We are told He’s going to start with L.A. and NYC, those hotbeds of hedonism not to mention that there are a lot of Democrats and gay people in both cities.

This is some pretty sick stuff. It’s a sad moment in history when anybody claiming to be a man of God can get up in front of a crowd and preach violence and destruction and that is met with cheers. Religion needs to find a reset button and stat. This isn’t religion, this is lunatic cosplay by somebody claiming to speak for God, when the fact is he knows Him not.


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  1. As usual, it’s best to approach this from a paychological viewpoint. The crowd that fool preacher was yelling at…bet you anything the youngest folks were Gen Xers and the majority was far older. People this hateful with this few years left have little to nothing to look forward to. But the most damning (so to speak) has to be the legacy they thought they were leaving behind. It dies when THEY die and that’s unacceptable to them. So they once more conjure the old Cold War myth of an angry/vengeful/unforgiving God that will make their dreams come true in a way they no longer have the power to do. Only LOSERS do that.

  2. Typical. After all, man created god in his own image and likeness.
    The problem is when you create an all-powerful being, it tends to have the same temperament as its creator.

  3. Fake Christians, all of them.

    They know the Bible in the same way they know The Constitution.

    A source of quotes to rally behind, but not something they’ve actually read.

  4. These “Christians” ignore most of the New Testament and what Jesus taught. When you think about it the whole point of Jesus’ ministry was to teach them that the Old Testament “fire & brimstone, wrathful God” and all the old rules they’d (his fellow Jews) were taught were mostly wrong. Instead he preached of a loving God who would offer forgiveness to all those truly repentant of their sins, AND that they should practice faith through deeds – helping other including and especially the poor and downtrodden. But assholes like this and today’s conservative Christians with their “prosperity” gospel bullshit prefer Old Testament God who smote those who offended him.

    It’s all one big-ass con job, but sadly tens of millions believe the shit being shoved down their throats and don’t actually read their “holy” bibles – at least the New Testament and the teaching of Jesus himself.

    • ” But assholes like this and today’s conservative Christians with their “prosperity” gospel bullshit prefer Old Testament God who smote those who offended him.”

      And that sentence proves beyond all doubt that God does not exist (if, indeed, He ever did). Would that “Old Testament God” REALLY let this crowd go around praising capitalism and monetary gain without a little smiting going on here and there?

      • As an agnostic, I would say the only thing that “proves” is that the popular interpretation of God is nowhere close to right. The humancentric view of both Christianism and its non-believing counterparts tells me that the truth of the Universe will remain obscure to both sides of that coin.

  5. God said to Abraham, “kill me a son”
    Abe say, “Man u must be puttin me on”
    God say, ” No”, Abe say, “what?”
    God say, ” you can do what u want Abe, but
    Next time you see me comin’, u better run”
    Abe said, “where do u want this killin done?”
    God said “out on Hwy 61” Bob Dylan


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