Evil comes in layers, like archeological digs. This is not a simple nasty tirade here. It’s got a lot of meaning. First it’s anti-gay, secondly it’s anti-Christian to hatemonger like this, and third, it’s clear when he announces that Pete Buttigieg is “next in line” and waiting for the 2024 Democratic nomination to run for president, that it’s tribalism at its worst.

I don’t know if angels have tear ducts and if they can weep. If they can, this will empty the Kleenex boxes in heaven, to have such vitriol and perversity go forth in a church that labels itself *Christian.*

This is a toxic mix of politics and religion. As common as that mix is in today’s world, I must say in all honesty it usually doesn’t get this bad.

There “ought to be anger” that a father is taking care of his child? Umm…excuse me? Isn’t that the basis of Christianity? That God is our loving father and we are his children? Or did I get confused somehow at that basic a level? Because either I got confused or this hatemonger did.

If there should be a call to anger here, it’s that not all parents, mothers and fathers, have paid child leave. Or, does *Pastor* Spell labor under the delusion that women are at home taking care of the children as they *should* be? Because that’s yet another layer in this paternalistic drivel, men don’t need to take care of children and there is something demonic about the Buttigieg household because there is no woman bond servant, only a marriage of two men.

And this is the same guy who flouts lockdown orders and sued the governor of Louisiana for invoking COVID restrictions back in March of 2020 when it all blew up. The Advocate:

Spell garnered national attention in March 2020 when he began to flout the state’s public health order at a time when much of the country was in lockdown over the emergence of COVID-19. Louisiana was being hit especially hard at the time, but hundreds showed up to hear Spell claim that the virus was nothing to be concerned about. […]

After reviewing the case again, Jackson again dismissed the lawsuit.

“Plaintiffs’ demand for damages fails because there is not now, and never has been, a ‘clearly established’ right to unrestricted religious assembly, and at all relevant times Defendants reasonably believed that they were acting within the constitutional limits set by the Supreme Court and the Fifth Circuit,” Jackson wrote.

Spell also is fighting state charges for the violations of pandemic-related gathering limits.

This is also very common amongst Wingnuttia pastors, the idea that COVID isn’t really out there or if it is you just ask GeeSuss to take care of you. Members of Spell’s megachurch congregation have died and when the coroner’s office has pronounced coronavirus as the cause of death, Spell has said, “They lie.”

This is cult behavior. This is Jim Jones behavior. This is not religion. And it abso-tively, posi-lutely is not Christian. That is the tragedy here, that this is happening in the name of Christ. Christ wouldn’t endorse this for a nano second and I have no doubt that if he were here in human form right now, this would make him weep. Or sick to his stomach, as it does me.

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  1. Not that the truth matters but preacher try reading John 8:42-47 where Jesus tells the Jews they are hypocrites & liars. He said they listen to their true father, the devil, “a murderer & a liar from the beginning & the father of all lies.” Of course I’m reminded of a quote by Thomas Paine where he said arguing with people that have abandoned reason is like giving medicine to a corpse. So fucking true.

    • please stop. we call your jeezuz the hung dog for a reason. he accepted deification given by humans. Jews do not allow such things to be done. He was not the first to do this nor was we the only Jew to do this. Humans to not make Moshiach.

      More to your point, just like today, back then there were different factions of Jews and hypocrisy is, as we’ve seen among x-tians, a disease caught by anyone.

      • Certainly Jesus was not speaking to “the Jews,” but to the Pharisees – or the Scribes – or the Sadducees – or some combination of those factions. I don’t remember which offhand, but if I were going to try to use it to prove something, I’d certainly take the trouble to find out which and include that.

        And if someone wraps a cheese sandwich in tinfoil and uses an orin on it to “grill” it, because that works, that does not necessarily mean that that is what an iron was invented for. Certainly, religion – almost any religion – caan be used to control people, has been so used, and continues to be so used, but that doesn’t mean it was invented for that ourpose. Most people looking at origins think that “the gods” were invented to explain natural events, each god being associated with a particular b=natural function. Those gods associted with the natural events which were more important to survival, depending on where a culture was, came to be considered more powerful, and it came to be considered wise to humor them. And from that we get prayers, sacrifices, and all kinds if ideas. The concept of a single God came later. When Jewish Christians attempted to introduce the concept in monotheism in Greece and Rome, they were considered to be extremely narrow-minded. Provincial. Bigoted. (There’s a story that when Paul first preached in Greece, they thought he was talking about two gods, :Jesus” and “Resurrection.”)

  2. ” Faith is taking the first step without seeing the whole staircase.” Dr. King
    Thanks Ursula for keeping the truth alive & well.

  3. Most of his congregation have not read the bible. Most evangelicals have not read it. They believe whatever their “pastor” has said it says.

  4. So many of these loud-mouthed phonies have no other agenda than getting attention, and the really accomplished ones hook a grift onto it. Whether they are blathering about anti-max/vax nonsense, or like this, gay bashing, they don’t believe a single word of what they say. They just like all the attention it garners. Who knew we had so many attention-seeking whores in this country? Everyone’s a narcissist now with their selfies and all the social media that appeals to that ‘See Me!’ mentality. tRump, being the biggest media whore of them all, really brought the worst of them crawling out of the sewers, into the spotlight. What a horror show.

  5. Unfortunately, too many of these “evangelicals” DO believe the feces they are flinging and they DO hate gays, Jews, Muslims, anyone and anything different than they are. I’m sure there are some of the religious grifters who, like some of the political grifters, don’t believe what they are saying, but VERY MANY do.

    • Yep. They do. If 909 people can choose to abandon community & move to the jungle only to poison their children & themselves for Jesus…well people are quite capable of delusional thinking & action. 1500 years ago the earth was believed to be flat. 500 years ago we considered ourselves to be the center of the universe. Those folks didn’t have the advantage of knowledge based on science. Of course the authorities punished those with the truth. The nazis were convinced they were on a holy mission on their way to a ‘thousand year reich’. Now there is no excuse for human ignorance except being either actually ignorant or morally bankrupt. Now it’s deadly for the entire planet.

      • Unfortunately there are still people who believe the Earth is flat, that it moves round the sun and is only 6,000 years old. They also know better than any scientist who can prove a thing beyond a shadow of a doubt – after all the Jacobite scholars who wrote the King James Bible had a direct line to God and couldn’t make a mistake – could they?

        Unfortunately, some of those are elected to government in different countries.

  6. I have said this before, and I will say it again:
    Religion was created by man to manipulate his fellow man. Neither God nor Jesus had (or has) anything to do with religion. Religion is being used to take advantage of people’s faith to use that faith for evil purposes!

    • From the back of the iconic Jethro Tull album Aqualung:

      1 In the beginning Man created God;
      and in the image of Man
      created him.

      2 And Man gave unto God a multitude of
      names, that he might be Lord of all
      the earth when it was suited to Man.

      3 And on the seven millionth
      day Man rested and did lean
      heavily on his God and saw that
      it was good.

      4 And Man formed Aqualung of
      the dust of the ground, and a
      host of others likened unto his kind.

      5 And these lesser men were cast into the
      void; And some were burned, and some were
      put apart from their kind.

      6 And Man became the God that he had
      created and with his miracles did
      rule over all the earth.

      7 But as all these things
      came to pass, the Spirit that did
      cause man to create his God
      lived on within all men: even
      within Aqualung.

      8 And man saw it not.

      9 But for Christ’s sake he’d
      better start looking.

  7. “It is a truism that almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so.” (Robert Heinlein)


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