Interesting, isn’t it, the foreign and domestic interests which are served by Donald Trump in the White House and who is dying to have that back again. It’s not just the crazed MAGAs who think he’s going to remake the world in their image. No, it’s totalitarians and bad actors the world round.

Both the right-wing in Europe and of course the Russians know a useful idiot when they see one.

I often wonder if the shade of Nikita Khrushchev is looking on from the great beyond and grinning. He has to be, watching this.

I think that if Trump does run in 2024, that this clip and others like it should run everyday so that America knows that they have a choice of voting for Russia’s candidate. That’s what they say he is right here, isn’t it?

And here’s the GOP endorsement. At least, this is what Trump is touting on Truth Social.

Say what you will about Khrushchev, he was a visionary. He said that America would be taken over without firing a single shot and lookey here. This is on our doorstep. No Red Dawn, troopers falling from the sky, nothing. 74 million Americans voted for this walking disaster and might well do so again.

Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is the state of mind that precedes doom.

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  1. Apparently the Russians, much like the Japanese and Chinese, take the long view and their plans are starting to bear fruit. What a pity the seeds the Russians planted found such fertile ground in the traitorous ‘pubes.

    As a veteran, I am sickened by the ‘pubes and I think at the very least they need to be in prison. There used to be some very harsh punishments for treason and perhaps those need to be brought back for people like trump, ‘pube senators, ‘pube representatives, etc. They after all took that oath with regard to the constitution…you know the one. They’ve violated that oath numerous times and need to be punished in the most severe manner possible.

  2. You know, if a poll of Democrats said that 9 out of 10 were to rate Biden as “a leader who is willing to use ALL (emphasis mine) the tools at his disposal to get things done,” the first thing you’d hear is right-wing outrage at Democrats’ willingness to support dictatorial methods. How much right-wing outrage do you expect to hear from this poll’s results where GOPers approve of potentially dictatorial methods?

    I mean, *I* remember how Trump and the rest of the Republicons and their media allies/lackeys expressed their outrage and sheer disbelief that Obama would “resort to” issuing executive orders to “get around Congress” but, as soon as Trump got in office, suddenly that side came to appreciate the “value” of executive orders. (I also recall Trump and the rest of the GOPers bashing Obama for golfing yet nary a peep was uttered about Trump’s seemingly constant stints on the golf course that exceeded Obama’s 8 years of golfing in less than 3 years.)

  3. Fuck these nazi pieces of shit. Play nice? Talk nice? There are 400, 000 DEAD AMERICAN SOLIDERS around the world who died to stop this bullshit. Any American who stands with Trump pisses on their graves. Let me clear to you here & now: FUCK ALL OF YOU TRAITORS!


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