“This is the end, beautiful friend, the end…I’ll never look into your eyes, again.” — The Doors

Donald Trump is at the stage in life where he doesn’t even know when he’s being played — which is comical, since earlier this evening Junior depicted him as the Grand Master of Diplomacy, playing everybody else.

Here is Trump on a Canadian podcast, where they call him “Donnie” and the former leader of the western world seems alright with that.

Two clips here, you decide which is the more ridiculous. I’ll cut to the chase and play the windmills clip.

“How does it all end?”

“I don’t have the remotest clue. I sure as hell can’t do what Joe does at the White House or what Jen Psaki does in the briefing room everyday, cobble together facts and theories and make some kind of a prediction. I have no facts or theories. My arsenal is asinine talking points, only.” 

Here’s the second clip. Sure you should be scared of nuclear war. Why the hell not? Everybody is scared of something, right? Why not the bomb? I am afraid to even ask what Trump was aware of back in the fifties, early sixties when the Cold War was upon us. He seems totally oblivious on the subject, while the rest of us who were children at the time were traumatized.

Back to the windmills.

You can’t make this stuff up. That’s the killer aspect to it, it’s beyond parody.

Now this is totally on point. Take a few minutes and walk down memory lane with this clip.

Another wonderful clip. Historians of the future are going to have a hard time believing that this actually happened. I know I do and I lived through the entire thing.

There are people on psychedelic mushrooms making more sense than this guy. Thank God there’s an adult in the White House. I may be worrying about nuclear war again but it’s not because some idiot has his hands on the nuclear football and the wrong tweet can hurt his fee fees and set him off.

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      • Hell, Trump makes Don Quixote look incredibly sane and rational, knowing full well that he was attacking a windmill rather than a giant and was doing so simply because he was bored with his life.

        • Trump is so fucking narcissistic and delusional that if confronted by the Knight of Mirrors (and the others) he’d scream that the mirrors were fake mirrors and instead only unflattering (doctored up to be that way of course – Trump would be the first to tell you how photogenic he is and that he could still be the world’s most bigly awesome male model!)pictures created for the sole purpose of making him look bad.

  1. it’s not because some idiot has his hands on the nuclear football and the wrong tweet can hurt his fee fees and set him off.

    Oh but it is pretty damn close! Putin and Trump were separated at birth and both have the same egomaniacal bloated opinion of themselves and their intelligence. Both are dangerous socio-pscyopathic power hungry devil spawn.


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