This is another stellar achievement from Republicans For The Rule Of Law. It depicts the brainwashing of Donald Trump’s cult. These people believe this nonsense. They believe the election was stolen. They are not insane in the sense that they are acting on the best information that they have. And that’s the point: they don’t have good information. And what they’re doing is insane, in a larger context, because it’s not based on anything real. Watch this, this is great.

This is the best footage that I have seen put together on this debacle.

Legislation needs to take place to secure the airwaves and social media from what Trump and his cabal have spewed into it these past years. It is a good sign that Trump got banned from Twitter along with Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn and Lin Wood. It is another good sign that Sidney Powell is being sued for $1.3 Billion by Dominion. These are steps in the right direction.

The country has been divided before over points of view, but we have never had a situation where people don’t agree to basic facts. This age of conspiracy theory has taken its toll. Trump is the conspiracy theorist in chief. That is his true legacy. His *legislation* and all the other indicia by which a president’s impact on history is measured doesn’t exist. This is Trump’s contribution to our lives. Mayhem.


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  1. I’m reminded of a wonderful little live-action ad for the game Dishonored 2: “You never thought I was a threat. You didn’t know me…but you will.” That’s my message to every MAGA maggot going forward.

    • It’s going to be interesting to see what Fox News does now. They made Trump, they created this and if the fact that Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal asked for Trump to resign is any indication. Fox News is going to drop back now. I can’t wait to see what that looks like.

      • The Faux News has been absolutely focussed on everything Trump, Trump’s call-in stupidity was a giant sign of privilege there, it HAD to mean more money for them somehow … other media started to, ” dump the Trump”, because of his unhinged insanity which has been in the wind for several months now … even though, when Fox accidentally told the truth once about his fractured comments and he was all over them in a flash, his daily dose of Fox went on like clockwork …

        Things like the Limburger radio entertainer of dubious qualities, will soon vaporize, a plus for all of us, Trump favorites on deck at Fox will lose their direct pipe to Trump’s alternate Universe, meaning they will be at a loss, trying to be like ordinary, truth-telling media sources and probably start writing their own book deals …

      • Fox will barely mention Trump once he’s out of office. They’re gearing up to attack Biden (and especially Harris) for just about everything they say and do. Trump probably counted on being a frequent guest on Fox and other right-wing channels, but he may have made himself too toxic even for them.

      • For anybody that doesn’t feel the same as you, I suggest you watch the footage of the crowd with the cop stuck between the door and his shield. Not much really scares me, I beat death twice already. But this video almost put me past the edge rational anger. It was horrifying to watch these stupid bastards and what they were doing…and cared less. I’m way past any excuses for any of them.

  2. The latest oxymoron: Republicans for the Rule of Law.

    How long will it be that .Republican’ becomes a word like ‘traitor’ or ‘Nazi’ or ‘Quisling’ or ‘Vichy’ ?

    • The Trump Terrorists are in no way actual Republicans or conservatives. They are anarchists, murderers, deplorables. Please do not attack those Republicans who voted for Biden, as this group did. Let’s not become what we loathe. Apply the words to Trump fans, not real Republicans who are just conservatives with whom we disagree over policy.

  3. More video is coming out. More pictures are coming out. Some were caught up in this but there were the others who planned this and were hoping to get their hands on folks from Congress, plus Pence and do……..?

    • I’m sure you saw Black Max’s article on how there were plans to actually abduct lawmakers. And then of course Lin Wood was calling for Mike Pence to be executed. Yet Trump and others would have us believe that we should be surprised by the violence. Whudda thot?


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