Oh, what a short memory certain politicos have. Yes, indeed. Paul Ryan did an interview recently wherein he castigated Donald Trump, totally forgetting that back in the day, he was the first to beam at Trump with glowing eyes and declare that he was “becoming presidential,” or even that Trump had “become presidential,” and then the next day there would be worse buffoonery.

Trump becoming presidential never happened, although it was predicted over and over again. That was Ryan’s waking fantasy and in all fairness, not limited to him. The entire GOP had this collective delusion going that Trump was going to morph into a responsible, mature person, capable of governance, the Second Coming of Ronald Reagan. Wrong, wrong and wrong.

In any event, the Paul Ryan of 2022 is singing a very different tune. This is a long tape, about 53 minutes. The part you want to hear, where he trash talks Trump starts at 40:31. Ryan describes a party held hostage, “prisoner mentality.” Um…and who did that to the GOP, Paul? Anybody we know?

“He’s not going to reverse the impression that suburban voters have of him. That cake is baked, right?” I can hear the ketchup bottle hitting the wall right now, can’t you?

I would love to know those “couple of names that you’re not thinking about who will enter the fray.” That would be interesting to know who Ryan is thinking of.

And actually, I completely agree with Ryan, but for different reasons. I don’t think Trump is going to make a reasoned decision about suburban voters or anything else. I think Trump will keep dangling the carrot of a candidacy until the very last minute so that he can grift. I think that the reality of what will happen is that his legal problems will hamstring him.

He’s got two possible federal indictments hanging over him, plus one possible state indictment in Georgia, plus the New York attorney general’s office proceedings, plus the E. Jean Carroll rape trial on and on and so forth. Trump has legal problems stacked up like planes over a black star airport.

Trump called Ryan, upon the announcement of Ryan’s retirement from congress, a “truly good man” with “a legacy of achievement.” Then later on, after Ryan said that Republicans lacked the “guts” to impeach Trump, Trump re-labeled him as a “pathetic loser.” And I can’t wait to know what Trump will say about Ryan after this interview gets out.

Vintage Trump. In any event, it’s a long way to 2024. Let’s just get through the election on November 8. With respect to the midterm, Ryan is preaching conventional wisdom, a deadlocked Senate and 20-25 seat pickup in the House. I don’t think so. I agree with Michael Moore that the Democrats will hold the House and increase the margin in the Senate.


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    • Honor and the name of any Republican do not belong together in the same sentence (and yes, I include Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger in that statement…their reasons why they’re helping are self-serving). But this is especially true for Ryan.

      • I am a democrat who has a lot of respect for both Liz and Adam regardless of them being republicans. i disagree with you strongly. Would I Vote for Liz if she were to run, absolutely not as she is still a republican but still I will always be grateful to her and Adam for being brave and defending our democracy against the like of the MAGA REPUBLICANS.

        • Then, my friend, you are either in support of what they are after or someone who has yet to realize what their agenda is. And let’s be clear about that: they want what the MAGAs do. They’re just quieter about it.

  1. Trump Is Increasingly Irrelevant Exhibit 106. Ryan is a weasel but one with decent survival instincts. He’ll be another one who falls in line behind Liz Cheney after Trump’s exit.

  2. Anyone who thinks Ayn Rand was a great philosopher, writer, voice on economics/government and anything OTHER than a complete hypocrite (never forget folks, Ms. “government is bad” did not think Social Security was bad at all), is an idiot not worth acknowledging let alone listening to. If you take anything that comes out of Paul Ryan’s mouth to be relevant advice, you deserve what is coming to you: to be considered a complete and utter ignoramus.

    • I like to say the more I find out about Ayn Rand, the more disappointed I get. And I’m one of the few people I know who has read all four of her fictional works cover to cover (and yeah, I did used to admire her until I finally grew up).


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