If you’ve heard a peep from Republican leadership, namely Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy about Donald Trump calling MAGA Nation to arms last night, please tell the rest of us. So far Lindsey Graham and Susan Collins have offered weak tea. Collins even had a Freudian slip and called Trump “the president” and then amended it to “president Trump.”

Watch and cringe.

Nothing like giving a Get Out Of Jail Free card to the mentally unstable.

Leahy invoked images from Watergate, where there was agreement across the aisle, from legislators as diverse as Mike Mansfield and Barry Goldwater, that Richard Nixon was wrong and the rule of law prevailed above all else and should govern the day.

In this iteration of the GOP you don’t see that kind of clarity. You see the likes of Graham and Collins doing their level best to choose words that won’t alienate the base or incur Trump’s wrath, but in essence  saying and doing nothing.

Today’s GOP is an enclave of lost souls. They have no policy, they have no platform, they have no integrity and they have no guts. They’re just crouching in the shadows, hoping the light doesn’t shine on them and they have to go on record taking a stance for something.

You know full well that both McCarthy and McConnell were contacted for comment and they’re hiding out for as long as they can.

This is not democracy. Democracy is not about watching a tin god dictator, who has already incited one insurrection, get up on a Saturday night and tacitly elicit troops for another. Is this how the democratic experiment ends after 240 years, with a cowardly Republican party handing the government to a dictator?


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  1. Speaking of Graham, ole “Triple L” (Lenningrad Lemming Lyndsay) set conditions for some serious, if sad entertainment today. Rep. Clyburn has been pushing federal District Judge Michelle Childs of SC (who has been nominated to the DC Court of Appeals) for SCOTUS. In fact, her hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee this week has been postponed while Biden weighs her and others as his SCOTUS pick. What’s interesting is today Graham voiced full-throated support of his fellow South Carolinian for the Court. Lots of praise and he even added in something that I’ve long had a bug up my butt about which is that unlike damned near every Justice in recent memory and the other eight (should she be nominated and confirmed) she didn’t attend law school at Harvard or Yale. She went to a STATE school, South Carolina! Graham quite correctly suggested that for well-qualified candidates which he clearly stated Childs is the lack of a Harvard or Yale degree would actually be a GOOD thing. Both for some diversity of legal thought/reasoning and as an inspiration to young lawyers out there who aspire to lofty goals (like SCOTUS – any lawyer wanting to one day be a judge thinks/dreams of it like athletes dream from kiddie age of one day being in their favorite sport’s Hall of Fame) that just because you went to a State school you shouldn’t be locked out of the very top of the legal profession.

    So Triple L went all in on Child’s behalf today. It will play well down in SC but elsewhere including at a once glamorous but now tacky estate down in FL be seen as heresy. Hell, even plenty of crazies in SC will be charging up to him at the airport (again!) so we will surely be “entertained” this week by Graham’s pathetic groveling to walk back his endorsement, which although he didn’t come right out and say so was a statement that if that’s who Biden picked he’d vote for her.

    Hey, comedy can be tragic sometimes.

  2. Correct me if I’m wrong but how many people were there at the insurrection? Not nearly enough to tilt an election for dog catcher let alone higher office. F.F.S. what a moron former guy is.


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