Donald Trump doesn’t get nuance at all. He only understands concepts at a rudimentary, black and white level. He’s been advised over and over again by various factions around him to let go of the stolen election drivel and just move on, for his own sake and the sake of the party. He can’t. He’s like a fly stuck in amber, he’s going to stick to his bonkers stolen election theory with the same tenacity as his disciple Mike Lindell.

Here is Nigel Farange trying to talk sense about the negative effects of the Big Lie on Steve Bannon’s show. Bannon doesn’t want to hear it any more than Trump does.

Farage spoke at length with Trump in an interview done a few days ago and released today. As you’ll hear, he has zero intention of relinquishing the Big Lie. He’s told himself this story so many times he believes it and now it’s carved in MAGA stone.

He’s got it rationalized and nobody but nobody is going to talk him out of this stance.

Looks like this is the narrative that we’re stuck with. It will be intriguing to see if what Farage says is true, that the downside of alienating a great many Republican voters is not worth whatever upside Trump derives from the lie.


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    • It’s why his book is going to be published by a captive publisher. No actual publisher will pay him what he wants, and none want to deal with the returns they’d get.

  1. The Democrats are the most organized group in all the world because they orchestrated the most elaborate scheme ever. It fooled everyone except Donald Trump, who predicted it prior to the election. Donald is the most brilliant mind in history and we should encourage him to double down on his knowledge and perspicacity. Everyone knows he is the greatest genius that ever lived. Much smarter than Einstein, Leonardo Di Vinci or Harry Houdini and everyone knows it because everyone is talking about it. Just look at the unsolvable puzzle he got correct at Walter Reed. That’s all the proof we need.

  2. Does anyone believe for one minute former guy gives one happy rat’s ass about what his lying is doing to the ‘pubes? Seriously? The only “upside” that matters is former guy being able to continue to live in his own little universe where the sky is green, the water is gold, and little neon fairies fly in and out of his ass at night while he sleeps. Melania can actually attest to the little fairies but she refers to/describes them somewhat differently.

  3. The problem is that Farage, he of the mailbox wide mouth, is that nobody on this side of the pond takes him seriously, so to expect the orange idiot in chief to do so would be stretching things a bit too far.

    Farage has tried numerous times to be elected to the Brit parliament – and failed miserably each and every time.


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