You know I love the Lincoln Project and how they know where to hit Trump. Their comedy is great, but I’ll tell you, this material is serious as a heart attack and they handle it beautifully. And they know where the place their ads, too. Look out, Trump country.

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  1. Great truth-telling ad. Strikes at the heart of the traitor and criminal Republicans have stood by!!! Vote them all out.

  2. Maybe he put a hit on America by not protecting us against covid19 he’s so anti-American we have been hearing it since he came into the office so what will congress lie to us about when they went to Moscow the last 4th of July what did they discuss It’s about money and power and a lot of greed.

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  4. The Lincoln Project is good and swift in their responses to current events. This one’s their best to date, mincing no words on how ugly this truly is.

    But lately, I’ve noticed a certain cockiness about them. To wit, they’re beginning to believe their own press. That’s giving them ideas of the ego inflation variety, like how we’d be nowhere without them. Someone should remind them, rather like the whispering slave at a Roman triumph, on how all glory is fleeting. Another useful reminder: they lacked solid ground to stand on in terms of opposition before the 2018 retaking of the House. These are followers, not leaders.

    • You’re right. There’s more too. These people are allies of convenience for the moment, but had it not been for them the Trump Presidency would never have even been a possibility. THEY (and others like them in the conservative world) were instrumental in creating the conditions in the minds of voters that allowed someone like Trump to storm in and take over the conservative movement. The dog-whistle crap started decades ago, but the current crop of conservative opinion writers and political operatives have honed it and adapted it to this century’s mass media including online messaging. Of course they go out of their way to avoid taking any responsibility for what’s transpired. If they acknowledge any role in conservative messaging that Trump began using without the dog-whistle it’s in a “What? Me? That’s a real stretch, and I/we never, ever thought that’s the message that people got from my/our work!”

      I think like me you’ve expressed the belief that as soon as Trump is voted out they will turn right around and start attacking Biden and Democrats in general again. So while we should appreciate the effectiveness they are bringing to taking down Trump, we should in no way be enjoying it. They’ll be right back to using their considerable talents at this kind of stuff to attack anyone and every policy to the left of anything that the GOP promoted prior to Trump.

      • I hear both of you. But we have them on our side now, let’s relish that.
        Also, we Dems aren’t stupid (most of us…)so let’s learn their tactics and see the effects they have and learn how to utilize those methods to use on our side in the future.
        Among many of our traits as Dems is that we usually try to play nice and try to be fair – all good attributes and behaviors but we have to learn to get a bit down and dirty. We have lots of info and ammo on our side, let’s use it.
        I’m certainly learning the crux and methods of The Lincoln Project’s advertising prowess – sharp on-message statements, pointing out the opposing side’s weaknesses and mistakes, and strong simple visual imagery. More to it than that but I’m watching and continuing to learn.
        Hell, they have it easy as President Tweet gives them material.

        We’ll worry about the Lincoln Project on the opposing side after this disTRUMPian nightmare is over. We will know their secret sauce very well by then.
        In the meantime glad they’re with us.

        • Worried would be an inaccurate description of my feelings towards the Lincoln Project, Elizabeth. If anything, they are setting themselves for another justly deserved pratfall because they…refuse…to learn. They’re like Trump in that respect. Glad for their help, looking forward to Lady Luck turning on them too.

      • But, as I said, they’re followers, not leaders. Without a good frontman, they inevitably flounder. You may recall how I mentioned how their post-Trump options for a good frontman is rather paltry. Had it been otherwise, they’d have rallied behind that person by now. I am certain a lot of would-be messiahs will come forth after Trump. I look for too many to take a top-down approach to their problems while continuing to neglect the command structure, the latter of which been an issue since W. They still haven’t figured out that Trump is the easy part.

        • I hadn’t thought about it until now but you raise a good point. It’s hard to see who they turn to next year. Romney? The GOP never really embraced him as their candidate back in 2012. As for anyone else, everyone with the experience and name recognition to step up as the leader/voice of the conservative movement The bulk of them have publicly tied themselves to the mast o the SS Trumptanic and the rest have meekly hidden away. Ironically, for some of the potential candidates to step up into the leadership role the Lincoln Project itself is highlighting them. The same stuff they are using to point out GOP hypocrisy on Trump can be easily repackaged with the same footage but us to tear those people down! That is, if we have the will to do so.

          • I have every confidence, Denis, that people’s tolerance for their brand of BS is going to be the lowest it’s been in four decades. I am equally confident that liberal voices are studying these guys and will come forth in due course.

  5. Donald Trump is a POS. He will ALWAYS be a POS. His supporters are dumber than a box of rocks, automatons led by one of the worst people on this planet.

  6. THIS is treason and involves the Death Penalty, this draft dodger, if found this to be true needs more than just to be removed, as these FLAG DROPPED coffins arrive with brothers and sisters and NO NOT how they dies.. Trump is and always will be a draft dodger, I do believe the rumors of him receiving the Russian Federation Medal of HONOR is in fact TRUE<<< NO pres in history has ever been accused of such a HEINOUS ACT he MUST GO

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