What, oh what, was Lindsey Graham thinking tonight? Never mind, we are probably better off not knowing. This is much worse than when Sean Hannity was caught vaping on camera. That moment actually humanized Hannity, this moment confirms your worst suspicions about what a degenerate Graham is.

This starts to make some sense now. Think about it, Lindsey was making sense in 2015, then he underwent alien mind control and became a MAGA, and that caused him to need antipsychotic drugs. By George, I think we’ve got it.

Maybe I should have put a trigger warning on this, too. If the GOP keeps dragging the national discourse down any further, it will be easier to post un-trigger warning pieces. At least that seems to be the direction we’re going.

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  1. Nothing worse than dry-mouth when you smile and your lip gets stuck.
    First rule of broadcasting, if there’s a camera in front of you, assume you’re being watched, if there’s a mic in front of you, assume it’s hot.
    A rookie mistake for someone whose mug has as much airtime as Graham’s


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