Donald Trump had his paid shills and relatives get up at the Republican National Convention and say what a great, pro-feminist guy he is. So, did the rest of us just imagine these slurs against prominent women and women in general?

Trump’s attempt at revisionist history is interesting. What a shame there’s all this evidence to the contrary on tape.


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    • Trump’s attitudes towards women are antiquated at this point. He’s a throw back to a much sadder time. He’s only seven years older than I am and I remember growing up, hearing guys talk that way. It was “cool.” Trump is so out of it that he doesn’t even know he’s out of it.

  1. My brother’s older daughter has a PhD in biology – she does taxonomy/evolutionary biology. On beetles.
    His younger daughter has a master’s in social work.
    His daughter-in-law has a JD.
    Women damned well can ACHIEVE.


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