If I had to hazard a guess, I’d bet that even Mike Pence is shaking his head at this one. Over the freaking top does not begin to describe this next clip you’re going to see. Lauren Boebert is advocating lawlessness, that nobody listen to the government anymore, they listen to the church instead. Now: can she really believe that anarchy is better than democracy? And two, and this is a biggy: WHICH church? There’s all kinds of churches. Even if we agree it should be the Christian church, which sect of that body? Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, a panel of all of the above?

Watch her wave and the Bible and bellow. This is classic.

She is so far in over her head. This is self parody and she doesn’t even know it. Oh.My.God.

She makes one good point, though, “Get rid of the corrupt politicians and replace them with righteous men and women of God.” I agree with that. Let’s get rid of all the crooks, starting with her grifting ass, and get some good folks elected, who have some humility and decency and are qualified to do the job they were elected to do. Amen and hallelujah to that.

I’ll join her in prayer, here. I’m going to pray with all my heart and soul that she goes down in freaking flames when it comes to election time. I am assuming that she will face a primary because there is so much animosity against her. And if she survives that, then she’ll face a strong Democrat in her now-redrawn district.

Here, let’s speak the word together, “Go down in flames, evil Jezebel! Go rot in Republican Hell! You’re so embarrassing Dick Nixon will avoid you. He’s not going to spend five  minutes with a dummy like you. You’ll be left with the likes of Rudy Giuliani. Are you ready to spend eternity with his COVID farts and oozing hair dye? No? then repent, repent!”

Nothing like a holy war to get the week rolling, right?

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  1. I don’t think the cristists read their bye-bull this far:
    “I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.” First letter of Saint Paul to Timothy.

  2. I do wish someone could take people like her aside and point out that there are a couple of countries being led by people who would consider themselves “righteous men of God” (not as many women because a *truly* “righteous woman of God” would acknowledge the superiority of “righteous men” over women and would, therefore, refrain from being politically active). And just because those countries are MUSLIM does not detract from the BELIEF that they are acting as THEY think their God wants them to.

    I know–I know, most of these deluded “Christians” believe they’re “different” from Muslims but, when you get right down to it, history shows a far different picture. Even recent American history will show that: Both Islamic fundamentalism and Christian fundamentalism began their current waves in the late 70s. The only thing that’s kept most Western Christian countries from adopting the fundamentalist mindset was the long tradition of secularism that began in the 17th century (which itself was a reaction to and rejection of the “Divine Right of Kings” that held sway for most European societies for a millennium).

    Traditional Islam never separated the religious sphere from the political; Islam was seen as a “whole” concept that included all aspects of a person’s life. Christianity, in its earliest phase, tended to ignore the world and anything “of” the world (meaning government); Christians were pressed to keep to themselves and look forward to a “better world” (ie, “Heaven”). Even the fundamentalist revivals during the Puritan era and the 19th century’s “Great Awakening” and the early 20th century’s “evangelism” movement looked at the world as something that *good* Christians should shun and spend their lives looking to doing things that would get them (or “earn” them) a spot in Heaven. (There were cases when social activism–like public education and helping the poor–happened to coincide with the “getting into Heaven” as the works were seen as a way to do “God’s work” but, generally, the more common tradition was to see the world as more of an impediment to getting into Heaven.)

    But the recent history? The Moral Majority’s rise in the US paralleled the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East.

  3. This is why it’s important to not make these two mistakes concerning religious/historical documents, traditions, etc.: discount them totally due to shallow knowledge, or, take them at face value thinking my perspective in THIS moment of time, makes me an authority. Religion has been used to justify evil, but let’s not forget so as EVERY human institution across culture, time, & space. The law has locked up more innocent people with lawmakers who are criminals themselves than religion. Family has been used to justify murder, etc. Why, l recently learned the bolsheviks in Russian convinced the world they succeeded in the Russian revolution & were the originators. Wrong. Women conducted the revolution in Feb. 1917, & convinced the army to not kill the citizens. That resulted in the czar abdicating his royal position. The bolsheviks, & the men were against it. Lenin & Trotsky weren’t even in the country & Stalin was in exile. The bolsheviks overthrew the interim gov. Now putin trashes the bolsheviks. Who knew.

  4. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again – with the exception of Vatican City (which is believe it or not an actual country with full diplomatic status in the UN) name me a single country on this earth where religious leader are the government, or have final authority on what the government is allowed to do that isn’t a shithole. Every time I’ve asked that in the past no one has stepped up to name one. Maybe I’m wrong. Well, Congresswoman Bobblehead can rant all she wants but unless she can convince her fellow Congress Critters and the country to repeal the Bill of Rights (except for the Second Amendment of course – she’d want to keep THAT!) she can rant all she wants. Sadly for her the First Amendment, backed up by tons of letters and transcripts of discussions make it clear our founders intended a clear separation of church and state.

    • I don’t think she ever took US Government or Civics in her GED classes. She certainly isn’t familiar with the Constitution other than the second amendment (which she doesn’t understand, either).

  5. Funny how the party that screams at the top of their lungs about The Constitution, have probably never even read it. That’s the first sentence of the first amendment.

    I guess they only care about the amendment that follows it.

  6. Neither should be directing the other.

    Regardless of one’s position on “the separation between church and state”, it is abundantly clear that framers were against a state religion/church. Hence the anti-establishment clause

    It was their desire to secure religious freedom such that your beliefs did not dictate your participation in government whether as a religious requirement to hold government office or a government requirement regarding your religious beliefs.

    Surely it is enough that an individual be able to make their own decisions on what to believe and stand by it, without being unreasonably excluded from participation in the government.


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