In all truth, I have seen high school kids, or younger, put together more engaging video projects than this one. But I guess this is meant as a vanity project more than anything, The video has validity insofar as it is an accurate representation of the subject itself, which is Lauren Boebert. It is devoid of ideas, it communicates nothing of value, it is an exercise in posturing and fundamentally, it is dull.

My apologies in advance for asking you to waste :41 of your life.

Of all of the worst clown car first term congressmembers, Cawthorn, Boebert and Greene, Boebert is by far the most vulnerable for reelection. Her district has been redrawn to include liberal college town Boulder and she won’t fly there. She also has stiff organized opposition against her. The woman is a novelty act who rode in with her six shooters on the coat tails of Trumpmania, an act which itself may be played out.

Enjoy the limelight while you’ve got, Lauren. Maybe go screen Sunset Boulevard, which I’m sure you’ve never seen and which is probably over your head, to see what happens when the limelight goes out. You’ll enjoy it. Among other things, it’s about a woman who solves her problems with a gun.


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  1. One can only hope she will be defeated by a very large margin in 2022. She’s certainly not qualified to be a congresswoman or congressperson and hopefully will be soon forgotten. What a miserable creature.

    • White folks love mindless racists. Hell. There are monuments all over the place. Deep seated fear the black/brown folks will get together to kick our collective arses for all the murderous hypocrisy done in the name of the LAW & justified by God. Luckily, they are better than that.

  2. In this case, with this rap, remember the ‘C’ is not spelled when written, but is pronounced as one would expect. before the ‘R’.

  3. Awww poor lefties
    Cant stand it when a woman with a gun gets into Congress and makes a name fore herself
    Its all about your poor feelings hurt isnt it lefties?
    Poor poor lefties always use the word folks.. coined by the communist in power, Obummer
    Idiot lefties
    Love the commie hate the FREEDOM becuse you love being controlled, doncha lefties?

    • I don’t care if someone hunts (if they eat what they kill) or target shoots for fun. Hell, I’ve done plenty of that in my life. I’d also note for the record that no matter how many GUNS you hold or shoot (and in my case it goes beyond guns into anti-tank missiles) it doesn’t make a guy’s dick or a woman’s boobs any bigger! So, I don’t have a problem with responsible gun use or even advocating for others to possess and use non-military (as in assault) firearms. I DO have a problem with those who use guns as a “dick waving/boob flashing” prop to get attention.

      Mostly though I have a problem with clueless dumbasses holding elected office. Regardless of their gender. The higher the office they hold the bigger my problem with it. And Congress Critter “Bobblehead” is quite the clueless dumbass! (Hell, in FEC paperwork she has trouble getting what state her district is in correct!)


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