Some videos don’t age well and what you’re about to see comes under that category. Good for John Fetterman for unearthing this and sharing it with Pennsylvania voters.

Oz is another member of the Rudy Giuliani school of “Just Say You Won” politics. That’s what he did a few days before the Pennsylvania primary was over. He did a video thanking voters and referring to himself as the “presumptive nominee.” By that logic, we may all be presumptive nominees.

Oz also was photographed sitting on a tractor, you know, to get that salt of the earth, I’m just a regular guy like you all, kind of a feel? The only problem with that is that his $70,000 car was in the background. Uh, oh, spaghetti o’s.

Oz has not mentioned Donald Trump since he won the primary, just by the by. The theory behind that is that he’s trying hard to do a Glenn Youngkin number, use Trump as much as you can, then distance yourself to maximize your demographics. We’ll see if it works.

Here’s Oz’s attempt at just plain folks messaging.

Here he is jumping the gun.

At the time Oz released this, the recount had only just begun, according to Forbes.

This is going to be one of the more lit races this fall. All eyes will be on Pennsylvania anyhow, because of the election denier gubernatorial candidate. I hope Fetterman wipes him out.


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  1. Fetterman has this one in the bag. I just hope he has enough coattails to help Josh Shapiro. The polling in the governor’s race is a lot closer than it should be, given the rethug is a christian nationalist taliban adherent.

  2. I wish so damned much Mr. Fetterman was a candidate in my state. We have garbage like that zinke P.O.S. And MT being idiot central a grifter almost on the level of diaper don has an extremely good chance of winning. jeezus montanans are f*cking stupid.


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