Chuck Todd actually can be a good journalist when he wants to be a good journalist, and Todd seems to always bring his A-game when he goes against Jim Jordan, as he did today. Let’s get right to the action and start talkin’ bout weaponizing that federal government!

Chuck said to Jordan:

“Many of the things you want to investigate, when I look at them in isolation, I think they’re fair targets.

“I think they’re fair things for you to be questioning. The problem that when you look at it is you want to talk about the weaponization of the Justice Department, you don’t want to look at anything that happened during the Trump years.”

Ah yes, the Trump years, when Bill Barr essentially recrafted the Mueller report such that it said what Barr said it did. Then Todd went through a list of examples where Trump’s DOJ pushed hard against Trump’s “enemies,” while going soft on Trump’s allies. The Todd threw the roundhouse.

“If you are concerned about the weaponization of the Justice Department in the Biden years, why not investigate the Trump years?”

Jordan completely ignored the question. 

We’re going to look at threats to the First Amendment. We’re going to look at … what Elon Musk through the Twitter Files has displayed is unbelievable.”

Jordan decided it would be better if he interviewed Chuck Todd:

“Do you think it’s okay for the FBI be meeting every week and suppressing information, suppressing the Hunter Biden server which we know is true? Do you think that’s all right?

Yes, it’s okay for the FBI to be meeting every week. The FBI blew the 2016 election by allowing clear Russian disinformation to run free, they tried to keep the disinformation down in 2020. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway. And you didn’t answer the question, Jim. Now you’re asking Todd questions?

No, Jordan continued pounding the FBI:

“In 2016, they spied on Trump’s campaign. 2018 was the Mueller Investigation. 2020, they helped suppress the Hunter Biden story. 2022, they raid the home of a former president 91 days before an election.”

Todd cut him off and things got real:

“You keep talking about this raid on Donald Trump. The amount of time…there was nine months between the initial action that the archives made for requests of documents before they even turned it over to the Justice Department. The subpoena was issued 60 days before they actually executed the subpoena. And more importantly, the only time the public found out about is because Donald Trump told the public about it. You paint it as a picture of the FBI did this, this, and this within hours of each other, when it was actually a year and a half of Donald Trump not complying with any of the requests from National Archives. A year and a half. This is not some sort of proof that somehow that they’ve weaponized and playing politics over here.”

Jordan couldn’t take it anymore:

“They raided Trump’s home. They haven’t raided Biden’s home.”

Todd hammered it into the second deck:

“Because Biden didn’t defy a subpoena, Congressman!” [Trump] defied a subpoena.”

Jordan then whined:

“President Trump had documents locked in a room with Secret Service protecting them while President Biden had documents in his garage and in a think tank that was funded by the Chinese. I think there’s a difference.”

And Todd closed it out with a proven truth:

“You do not seem to ever see the same conspiratorial problems when it’s a Republican.”






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  1. Scott, Gymbag didn’t do any raping. But he’s a craven coward who refused to help the young male wrestlers who told him they were being molested by the team doctor. He’s been lying about it ever since, and now accuses those no-longer-young men of falsely accusing him of dereliction of honor and duty. Punk doesn’t even begin to cover it. Scumbag comes closer.

  2. Jarvis I know the story. When u know what the deal is as several former students have told it, and you stand by the rapist then YOU ARE A PARTICIPANT. Same as the witness to a gang rape who does nothing and then denies what happened. Congress? No fucking way in hell in country with moral values. Prison as an accessory? You betcha. People go to jail all the time with serious charges if they happen to be sitting in a car the perpetrators are using even if they had no knowledge or participation in the crime itself. Of course in those cases the people are usually black and poor. Equal Justice! So much fucking justice in America. The kid in Memphis is one example in a line of many. You’ll never see any white congressman pulled for a minor reason and beaten to death by police. NEVER. Just like rapist supporter gymbo wont go to jail for that or aiding and participating in a coup. How about those calls on Jan 6th jimmy to the traitor in chief?



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