The Big Screenwriter In the Sky has a terrific sense of humor and put this together for our comic relief moment of the day. We do need those moments so that we don’t all start smashing our heads on the sidewalk at the count of three.

For a lower being, this guy is displaying more smarts than some sitting governors we can name, yes Greg Abbott, Kristi Noem and Ron DeSantis, we are thinking about you.

If only it was so simple in the human world, governor see, governor do.



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    • Amoebae are smarter than Republicans.

      Hell, let loose a horde of zombies into the Republican National Convention and lock the building from the outside and the result would be a bunch of live Republicans and a horde of zombies laying on the floor, after starving to death.

  1. Viruses are taking advantage of the stupidity of the Maga crowd & the cowardice of lawmakers who should immediately issue a mandate with teeth. Everytime another child gets sick & dies, my rage rises like lava in a volcano.


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