This is one of those must be seen to be believed moments, and even after you see it, you’ll find yourself pinching yourself to see if you’re awake.

Concealed weapons carry is big with the gun freaks. None other than Marge Greene was saying yesterday that if the people on the Brooklyn subway were armed, everything would have been just fine.

This took place in Las Vegas over the weekend. The moderator is straight out of central casting.

And of course there was some blow back.

Polling in Nevada is tight, both for the governor and for the senate seat up in November, that of Catherine Masto Cortez. The idea of these people getting in power absolutely chills me. I mean absolutely.

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  1. Stupid, greedy, racist people elect those like them. Our culture, raised on lies, half truths, & the worship of the material creature comforts, has promoted & elected those with those values.
    ” telling the truth is a revolutionary act” George Orwell


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