Hillary Clinton is speaking at the New York State Democratic Convention this week. Here are two clips from a no nonsense, both feet on the ground speech that she made. Watch both clips. The top one is spot on, but it’s the second one that intrigues me. Clinton makes it clear that Fox News is skating on some pretty thin ice. If anybody would be the one to change the slander laws, it might well be her. Wouldn’t that be a match up? Clinton v. Fox News.

This is exactly the line of demarcation, right here: we cannot have two narratives of reality going on simultaneously. Life is life, facts are facts. Yes, reasonable minds can differ as to the meaning of various facts. That’s called opinion. Opinion and fact are not interchangeable.

Hillary is without doubt the most lied about politician in the history of not only this country, but probably the world. Everything sticks to her. She had what she called “the vast right-wing conspiracy” ginning up fables about her for at least twenty years before she ran for president

If Hillary had lost to somebody who was at least a recognizable Republican, a Mitt Romney or a John McCain, that would been one thing. But to lose to the charlatan that she did?

But it does make sense in a perverse way. Hillary was out there on the ice, going into uncharted territory. She did have over twenty years of bad press and baggage. She was a controversial figure who had made some enemies.

And then there was Donald Trump, who was pure cartoon. So she got drawn into that dynamic. Both of them were called “flawed candidates” and the entire 2016 campaign was nothing but a massive freak show, hopefully never to be repeated. It was a simply incredible experience, one I have no desire to relive.

America went into a strange cul-de-sac when it elected Donald Trump. Thank God we got ourselves out of it, but what Hillary says here is right. The world is watching this. And people who have interests totally adverse to ours are taking notes and they know who are Americans and who are traitors, or traitors in training.

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  1. Are we out of it? I’m not so sure given all the anti-voting bills, gerrymandering and constant lies the GOP are engaged in. I try to remain hopeful but until the orange one and a few others are behind bars, I’m struggling not to get depressed.

  2. With Trump hiding his criminality, his campaign manager working with Russian military intelligence to swing votes in swing states, Trump lying his ass off about standing up for the average voter, & Comey pulling his stupid shit implying Hillary had done something while hiding the actual investigation into Trump, all played into the debacle. Throw in the patriarchal culture that infects every culture & voila! Hillary comes across as a soothsayer.

  3. Yes Secretary Clinton…..the world IS indeed watching.

    If I were an intelligence officer from a nefarious country looking to secure “assets”, I would look no further than the Republican Party and those who flagrantly ignored their oath of office and to the Constitution on 1-6 as well as the impeachment votes……those lists are a veritable Yellow Pages of who is willing to sell out their office to the highest bidder and turn their backs on their country and constituents ……it is clear they have no morals to impede their recruitment.

  4. Let’s none of us forget that when Hillary made that accusation about the vast right-wing conspiracy, NO ONE in the media took it seriously. In fact, they were all together accusing her of being paranoid and, to a degree, much of the “mainstream media” (that right-wing figures would go on to deem “lamestream media” within just a decade) helped to spread the right-wing lies and half-truths because the “mainstream media” as a whole loathed the Clintons.

    And the “Hillary haters” in 2008 AND 2016 in the Democratic Party couldn’t see how they’d bought in to that “vast right-wing conspiracy,” hook, line and sinker.

  5. I had to laugh at one of the faux nuz responses to Hillary’s “actual malice” remark–hannity thinks it’s “news”. Yeah, sure hannity. That’d be the first time news came from those faux idiots.

  6. “The world is watching this. And people who have interests totally adverse to ours are taking notes and they know who are Americans and who are traitors, or traitors in training.” Excellent observation, Ursula! I would bet we would be astounded if we knew just how much some GOP Congress people are indebted to foreign malicious operators (especially Russians)!


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