If you are wondering, “How does the Onion stay in business,” don’t ask me because I don’t have the slightest idea. I can tell you that it was no surprise at all when MAD Magazine went out of business during the Trump era. Why buy MAD Magazine when true insanity was taking place on the front page of the New York Times?

Herschel Walker is not only a Trump endorsee, he’s a chip off the Trump block. He has the same delusional omniscience that Trump has, that he knows many things and has many talents.

It won’t surprise you, therefore, that he fell for this. He was punked by a TV show pretending to ask for his assistance with a burglary.

This is not only ridiculous, I think the argument can be made that Walker is getting onto some thin ice here. He’s got no business advising somebody about a law enforcement matter, and the bottom line is, it’s illegal to impersonate a cop.

All that to the side, however, what blows me away is the sheer ease with which he just falls into the role. Oh yes, somebody calls him out of the blue about a burglary and he’s got all the answers. Just listen to Officer Walker. He’s here to take charge.

Here’s the entire clip from that night’s show, if you missed it.

The idea of the GOP taking back the Senate is nauseating enough but with “leadership” like THIS? My head is ready to explode.

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  1. The goddamn gop is so lawless, racist, and fascist, I don’t think it matters at this point. If someone is out there who thinks they are ‘on the fence’, they are either lying or they support all this shit. It’s been going on ever since frumpy came down the escalator.


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