Before we look at Donald Trump’s infantile response to whistle blower Cassidy Hutchinson, have you noticed, friends, that we live in a world where somebody can thump Rudy Giuliani on the back and get prosecuted for assault but Donald Trump can grab an employee of the United States government by the throat and nothing happens to him? Nothing at all?

Forget about all his other crimes and transgressions for the moment, let’s just focus on the basic assault of Bobby Engel, the head of the Secret Service detail assigned to Trump. Is this who we are? Is the rule of law truly this dead, when a sitting “president” can grab a member of the Secret Service by the throat and that gets buried?

No wonder this maniac believes that he can kill somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue. He has lived a consequence free life.

In all events, here is his reaction to Cassidy Hutchinson.

He should be keeping his mouth shut, because, as the Miranda warnings state, anything he says can and will be held against him in a court of law.

Now this is classic. Martha McCallum defends Trump as though she were his mommy and he was a problem child. “He was frustrated.” Umm…when you’re a grownup you’re supposed to have learned how to deal with frustration, yes?

Even for a 5-year-old that is some out of control behavior. For a 70-something head of state? Dear Gawd.

Chris Wallace is reportedly “aghast” that this happened, according to Raw Story:

“Beyond these legalities, and we’ll get to them, I mean, the take takeaway from this, and Cassidy Hutchinson draws a real timeline from Jan. 2nd, Rudy Giuliani saying it’s going to be exciting, wait for it, and people knowing the increasing possibility of violence surrounding Jan. 6th, but what people are going to take away from this is that image inside the beast which is what they call the presidential limousine, inside the beast when Trump gets in, after the rally, and thinks he’s going to Capitol Hill to be with the marchers and his Secret Service — it’s not just any Secret Service person” said Wallace.

“It’s the head of the presidential detail, Bobby Engel, says, ‘no, we’re going to the White House.’ The president of the United States, I assume he’s sitting in the backseat, reaches forward, tries to grab the steering wheel, and when the secret service head takes his hand away, he reaches with his other hand for the guy’s throat!”

The “Beast” — the transport for the president — has the seat for the president further back from the driver and passenger seats. So, Trump would have had to launch himself far forward to try and grab the agents around the throat.

“I mean, it’s — it’s astonishing,” Wallace said, aghast.

Trump felt safe reaching for the other man’s throat because he knew the guy wouldn’t cold cock him. That, in a nutshell, is what’s wrong with Donald Trump. If he had to abide by the rules of civil behavior not to mention the actual rule of law, like the rest of us, he wouldn’t feel so free to pull this level of chicanery. Trump is totally out of control.

You remember Melania, right after the PussyGate tapes, when she said it was “boy talk” and she said she had “two little boys at home” i.e. Barron and her husband? Some women feel that men are complete children and they find childish men who reinforce that attitude. I have seen it in general life but I didn’t think we would ever see it in the White House.

Pandora’s box was opened in Washington, D.C. today. A lot of spirits flew out and it was refreshing to hear Truth being spoken and I don’t mean the stupid social media site. I mean just listening to an eyewitness account of what went on in the White House that day was illuminating.

I found it particularly illuminating that Mark Meadows was numb. Another reason that Trump gets away with what he does is that the people around him, his enablers, flat out don’t know how to deal with somebody like him. So they cave and the juvenile delinquent child ends up running the house because the parents have no idea what to do.

Meadows is one example, but the real poster child for that proposition is Kevin McCarthy. He had it right on January 6 and if he had stuck to his guns, he could have shown real leadership that day. Now, he’s probably headed out the door in lieu of Jim Jordan.





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  1. I do not know what people would expect the whiny little b*tches from faux nuz to say. We’re talking about a network that thinks little b*tches like liar tuck, that ingraham idiot, hannity, etc. are fit to be on television. When you have those kinds of “personalities” working for you, a LOT of stuff becomes acceptable when done by people who really should act with a bit of gravitas because of their position…you know….like a president.

  2. Let us not forget, these are the very same Fox News talking heads who wanted President Obama to resign or be impeached because he put his feet up on a desk once.

  3. I wonder how many other staffers have been attacked by tRump. When I listened to Cassidy’s testimony, all I could think of was that this probably wasn’t the first time he’s pulled this crap. Maybe it explains why some of his staffers (Meadows) seem so checked out. PTSD from being a target? I hope others will come forward.


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