Kyrsten Sinema is supposedly a great admirer of John McCain, but you wouldn’t know it from her behavior. McCain didn’t blow off key votes, even when they were controversial. Writer Don Winslow, who can wield both the pen and the camera with great virtuosity has had his fill and he’s taking the faux Democrat on. Here’s the first morsel, Winslow is promising a feast.

What good does it do the Democrats to be technically in the majority if there are people like Sinema pursuing the Republican agenda?

And it gets worse. Sinema went on record saying that she was working with John Cornyn on the border. What more do you need to hear?


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  1. Where’s the beef? Remember that ad? Here is a prime example of a person with play time, crowding out her responsibilities to her people that put her in office … no matter the party or Congress Person, the responsibility of the job in DC is an important one and should be fulfilled by the person sworn to do it …

    This person appears to be in top physical shape, now, about her mind?

    • It sounds like you are buying the ad’s implication that she accomplished all those grueling physical challenges after being elected to the Senate less than a year and a half ago. the Kilimanjaro trip was back in 2013. We don’t have any indication that she is a shirker of her responsibilities. It is a bad faith ad.

  2. I have often wondered if Dark Money could finance two candidates one Republican and one Democrat. Maybe they did it in Arizona. They’d have to catch the Democrats sleeping or in on it. Not out of the question in Arizona. If Dark mony succeeded then there would be no way they could lose.

  3. I do wish that *certain* people would remember that, historically, the Democratic Party was the one which NEVER imposed any sort of purity litmus test of its members. Quite unlike the Republican Party which pretty much imposed litmus tests on its members as far back as 1994 and the “Contract with America” (Republicans who did NOT sign the Contract were treated just as if they were Democrats and almost every successful GOP candidate that year included his or her signing the Contract as a key “selling point” in their campaign ads) and, as we saw just these past few months, failure to have the “correct” view of Donald Trump and the whole “stolen election” crap has held serious ramifications for Republicans at ALL levels (Cheney being stripped of her leadership post, Romney being booed by Utah GOPers, Kemp and Raffernsperger being castigated by Georgia GOPers).

    And now, some boneheaded moron decides that Sinema isn’t his idea of a “good Democrat” and decides he’s going to do a video (that may well become part of Sinema’s next opponent’s campaign ad–and I’m not referring to her Democratic opponent). But I would like to remind EVERY SINGLE PERSON on here who is enjoying this video (personally, I’m not taking the time to watch it–I’m tired of the idea of “Democrats attacking Democrats” being promulgated here) but Sinema’s last opponent was MARTHA MCSALLY, a woman who had ZERO qualms supporting Donald Trump 100% (even if Wiki’s page on her says she voted with Trump just 95% of the time as of April 2020) and it was McSally who actually holds the seat that John McCain once held.

    So. We have a Democrat who “acts” like a Republican when we could have had a Republican who, after Trump took office, became a die-hard Trumper. If you ask me, we’re better off with the former.

  4. I am with Joseph here. She missed a crucial vote for a measure she supported (but the measure would have failed even with her vote) due to what she said was an urgent personal family matter. People are still incapable of being in two places at once, and it is really none of our business what her personal family entailed.

  5. I agree with Don Winslow! She is a Republican in Democrats clothing. While Democrats are trying to undo every wrong that Trump and the Republicans have done, this girl is ruining their chances. She’s bad! Voting against the minimum wage increase and doing a happy dance? Not showing up? Enough of this Republican against the people crap! Democrats need her. She’s no help just like Mansion. The good for the people needs to be on top for a change!


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