“When somebody tells you who they are, believe them.” — Maya Angelou

This is going to be something. Alex Holder is a British filmmaker who did a documentary on the Trump family. He told Variety “When we began this project in September 2020, we could have never predicted that our work would one day be subpoenaed by Congress […] As a British filmmaker, I had no agenda coming into this. We simply wanted to better understand who the Trumps were and what motivated them to hold onto power so desperately. We have dutifully handed over all the materials the Committee has asked for and we are fully cooperating.”

Take a look.

Ivanka is worried about a line on her dress. I mean, we all sit here and obsess on the lines of peoples’ clothing all the time, right? I know that that’s how I judge people. You could be Mother Teresa or win the Nobel Prize but if you have a line on your dress, forget it. I don’t know to know you. Thank God she didn’t have an eyelash fall out, or broke a nail, they would have had to call 911.

This opus is supposed to air sometime this summer on Discovery+. An exact date has not been given. I know I’ll be glued to it. It’s the nature of the grotesque that you find yourself unable to look away and that is, I believe, the reason that a lot of people will find themselves watching this documentary.

What an unbelievable group of characters and an incredible time in history. America is a naive nation. We never thought a bunch of show biz grifters could take us for a ride like this until it happened. Just from this short trailer, you can see what a shallow bunch of clowns this family is, pretending to be people of substance.

What a joke. I predict that people of the future will look back at this time and watch these videos and marvel at who we were as a country and what we had become. We got blindsided — speaking of the people who were blindsided by Trump — because we believed in the system.

Nobody could believe that one of the two major political parties in this country would nominate such an utterly corrupt and worthless know-nothing to the highest office in the land. A lot of people took Trump seriously because they believed that he must be legitimate on some level if the GOP backed him. No. He was not.

They backed a total fraud. That’s who they are. The Republicans told us who they are. Let’s believe them.


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  1. When you start a country by genocide, slavery & elitism, & NEVER TEACH OR TELL THE TRUTH…gosh, I’m shocked there’s gambling going on in here. Your winnings sir…thanks.



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