Again, we have another Republican, this time Rep. Clay Higgins of Louisiana, who is making the news for openly breaking the law in public and on camera. In the video you see, Higgins got miffed at a person asking a question during a public gathering. He got so miffed that he bodily removed the individual. Take a look and see if this looks like assault and battery in broad daylight to you.

This is not a good look. This shows Higgins to be way too reactive and impulsive to be effective in the job he’s got. As a public servant, especially in this polarized, tribal day and age, he needs to be able to calmly react to all kinds. This is not an example of that. This is an example of somebody who is lacking control.

Unfortunately, it’s not like we weren’t warned.

Anybody know how fast a bullet moves? Feet per second? Yep, that’s the statistic that Higgins just quoted.

How many more of those does Higgins have to do before somebody takes action? Against Higgins, not against the guy who asked a question at a press conference.


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  1. I hope this poor guy has a good lawyer. If not, the ACLU should help. He should sue the NOPD for false arrest, sue the X-cop and sue the PD that didn’t prosecute this scum when he broke the law while in their pay.

    The only people that have any brains in Lousy Anna came from somewhere else. They make my fellow Mississippians look like liberals.

  2. Have these people forgotten that video is everywhere?

    And that when it comes to the inevitable court case, it won’t be ‘he said/she said’ but ‘press play’

  3. Brownshirts kicking ass in Germany all over again with the state on their side. Springtime for Hitler in America. People lie, video tells the truth! Hey nice people sitting comfortably numb…you think the deplorables won’t devolve into power dictated by violence? Better think again. Children’s gun deaths jumped 50% in the years 2019 -2021. We know who the illegitimate president was.If they will slaughter our children, what makes YOU think you’re safe? You better wake up!


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