The GOP is leadership you can depend on. Specifically, you can depend on the situation, whatever it is, actually being worse than what you know at any given time. You’ve all seen the tape by now of Lauren Boebert doing stand up comedy at the expense of Ilhan Omar, but a few minutes later she went after Pete Buttigieg as well.

Fast forward to 1:37 for her next funny har har, directed at Pete Buttigieg.


She owes Buttigieg an apology as well. All she’s doing here is disparaging his right to bond with his child, which she has done in the past. “We ain’t got two months to take off for parental leave.”

Listening to Charlie Dent talk in this tape about ethics or how John Boehner or Paul Ryan handled matters is a description of a world that no longer exists. He might as well be talking about when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Who is out there now and how they behave, often for money as Dent pointed out, is a totally different breed of animal.

Boebert isn’t the only GOPer in the House that is trash. Sad but true, if you define “trash” as somebody who has no social conscience and who is only going for the thrill of the moment by taking a cheap shot and saying something shocking. Boebert and her ilk are not there to lead or unite, they’re putting on a circus side show, devised to make the cash register ring. If the donations are coming into the PAC, that’s success. These are not social engineers we’re talking about, these are performers. Boebert herself is out of a modeling agency. She’s there for the attention and the cash. Nothing else matters. She doesn’t even know that anything else exists to matter.

It will be interesting to see if Boebert gets reelected. I will be surprised if Colorado has changed so much that a freak show like this gets renewed for another two years. I can see where she rode in on the coattails of the Trump movement, that was happening all over the country, but all she has done since arriving in Washington is get involved in one embarrassment after another.


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  1. ‘She’s there for the attention and the cash.’

    ‘She doesn’t even know that anything else exists to matter.’

    As is the current (post?) Trump Republican party, ‘one embarrassment after another.’

  2. Her current district seems to think she’s doing okay. Whether the district she’s getting is the same is something we find out next year.
    But she needs to stop trying to do GQP stand-up in front of cameras.

  3. I’m not a native but I have livd in Colorado for 45 years, so more than half of my life, and as long as I havee known it, it has had pockets of reaction. The southwest corner hmed both the John Birch Society and also the Blue Army (reactionary Catholics – blue not political but for the Virgin Mary’s robe.) I’m not sure how long Colorado Springs has had Doug Lamborn – he was in office when I moved here in 1991 – but once all the evangelical church outfits (think Focus on the Family, but it’s far from alone) moved in, it’s been at a pointwhere we are stuck with him unless he drops dead – and then his replaceent might even be worst. Recently he openly boasted about accepting some kind of honorofic award from Victor Orban of Hungary. As far as I can tell, it involves no title and no emolument, so it’s legal – but disgusting.

    Boebert’s district includes that asouthwest corner – now – but it’s been re-drawn and I’m pretty sure she won’t be in it for the 2022 elections. But that doesn’t mean they won’t come up with someone just as butty who could be not as dumb, and that might be worse. If it weren’t for Boulder and Denver we’d be doomed.

  4. Lauren is as dumb as a box of rocks and I can’t cast vile enough aspersions upon her. I will try though. 1) I wouldn’t piss on her if she was on fire. 2) She is a piss poor excuse for a human being and finally, 3) I wouldn’t waste a bullet on her.

  5. Bobo the clown must love the smell of shit-she certainly wallows in it enough. I get it, her district houses every reactionary moron living in CO. I still think they could have picked someone with at least 1/100th of a brain instead of this brainless boob.


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