The footage you’re about to see raises more questions than it answers about the burning question of the day, WTF is Donald Trump doing in Washington, D.C.?

The juicy theories (my favorite was sealed indictment) have all been shot down, alas. And his lawyers did file a responsive pleading to the Motion For Partial Stay.

So what is he doing? Because he’s not playing golf. Watch closely about 10-15 seconds in. There are wags who claim that Trump’s relieving himself. It does look that way but again, this is Bigfoot quality video.

Why drive way out on a golf course if you’re not going to play golf?

Some people have eagle eyes, I do not.

Okay, time for a poll. Trump is out there

  1. Trying to remember where he buried the rest of the boxes?
  2. Selling the golf course?
  3. Meeting with Vinnie, Rocco and the boys away from where he can be bugged?
  4. Waiting for a UFO to land and take him away from his legal problems?
  5. All of the above?

This is American politics at its bat guano best.

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  1. If he was taking a piss then he was doing it on a freaking golf cart! Or at least close enough that the person driving it would have to step in a puddle of orangish diet coke piss to get into the driver’s seat.

    Maybe he tried to play golf North Korean dictator style – just drive the course in a golf cart and as he passed each green declared he would have made an ace (hole in one for you non-golfers, rare enough on a Par 3 and impossible on a long Par 4 and ANY Par 5) and mark his card with a 1 for the hole. Hell, since this is Trump we’re talking about at some point he’d declare he’d hit his ball so HIGH that it bounced into the cup, and bounced out again with so much force that he aced the next hole too!

    Seriously though, now that the day has passed without him entering a federal building I think he was in town to do some in person begging to real, top flight lawyers from heavyweight law firms to represent him. With batch of personal checks (for millions of dollars – POST dated of course, until I can “move some assets around to cover this”) for retainers. Of course, no reputable high powered DC attorney or firm wants anything to do with him. Maybe that’s why he pissed on someone’s cart!

  2. The scene reminded me of Joe Pesci & his muscle in the movie Casino trying to have a conversation knowing the feds are watching & listening. You gotta nice little democracy there…be a shame if something happened to it. Just saying. Bada bing!

  3. They have not yet figured out long range directional microphones can be ordered on Amazon for less than $100. They do not have anything that looks like operational security. They are probably discussing what happens when Chump is issued his subpoena.
    They are intolerable and stupid.

    • This is what he came back to DC for – so he could get these people all in one place easily without the eagle eyed watching MALago for who is visiting. They are obviously discussing the realization that the investigations are now just a few people away from trump himself, and there are suddenly multiple ‘invitations’ from the FBI to his group of charlatans to ‘discuss’ their involvement in his plots ! They are trying to get an accepted story in place or he has a new plan to have people ‘eliminated’ – anything is possible with this moron !

  4. After a little peek through Twitter traffic, I think I (and my mom) have the answer to what’s going on.

    You might have heard that in the last week, 40 subpoenas have been served to various members of Trumpworld. Those subpoenas are specifically inquiring about info on anyone in the legislative and executive branch who were involved in the election interference shenanigans on J6. In addition, two cellphones belonging to Boris Epsteyn and Mike Ronson were seized.

    Now here’s the kicker…one of the subpoenas was issued to none other than Bernard Kerik, chief henchman to our old pal Rudy “Colludy” Giuliani. Who wants to bet that the latter was the one who called Trump in the middle of the night with info not currently available to the general public?


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