Arnold Schwarzenegger is another testament to the fact that an actor/celebrity can turn politician and actually be legitimate in the role, unlike some people we could name. I gave him a lot of credit back in the day when he was Governor of California for not going along with the climate deniers in his party.

Schwarzenegger makes a compelling argument here. I hope that this does get through to some Russian people, which considering that Twitter and Facebook have been banned, is not exactly an easy proposition. But this is on Telegram as well. And the truth has a way of getting out, despite all efforts to repress it.

This runs a little over nine minutes but is worth the time.

Here is Arnold’s address to this country after January 6, if you missed it the first time.

Maybe this will have an impact on Russian opinion.

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  1. What a powerful message, hopefully, on every level, his words will be delivered to those attacking their former neighbors and extended families, sometimes I wonder if the former Radio-Free-Europe type system could be used to drop leaflets with full color record of the chaos and death of all aged people in Ukraine, the little ones, blown to bits along with their mother and/or father … I imagine high flying drones, dropping wind-blown pamphlets all over Moscow, giving the heads up, long before ass hole Putin can arrange a clean-up squad …

    It’s worth a try, some of the new drones are very hard to mess with and can survive long enough to really torment Putin and his close friends …

    I’m impressed with Arnold’s calm, eloquent delivery … with the language text on screen and his past history story-telling he has said so much more with this piece …

    Maybe the nerds in Moscow could jam Arnold’s message into an override of State TV … the young girl that was holding that message board up behind the news person was gutsy and she may not survive Putin’s get-even …

  2. Watched this one all the way through. Who would have thought that Arnold, of all people, would be the quiet elder statesman that insisted on reaching out to people the rest of us cannot reach? My political differences with him aside, he’s quietly doing good and much-needed work here.

  3. Arnold is from Austria, so he is familiar with what the nazis did to his country. Just to show how strange life is, I ate a piece of his wedding cake the day he got married in Hyannis at the church the Kennedy clan historically attended. I worked at a post acute residential traumatic brain injury program across the street. Our recreation therapist worked with president John Kennedy, who secretly had a number of physical problems. He was invited to the wedding and brought us all some cake. Sounds made up but was very much true. Even stranger was this straight laced Canadian danced with grace Jones at the wedding. Life is a mystery. Some people like it. Some people dont.


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