Today was another epic day in the life of Peter Navarro, a man who should have been a cartoon character. At least, his life in politics has been that. He was “discovered” by Jared Kushner, when Kushner was doing a search on Amazon to see who had written books about China. Kushner found “Death By China” and was taken by the title, so he cold called Navarro and offered him a spot with the campaign. We don’t know if Navarro was wearing a sweater or drinking a soda at the time, but that was his entry into the soon-to-be-legendary mess that was the Trump administration.

You well recall Navarro’s dreadful comment, “There’s a place in Hell for Justin Trudeau,” which garnered world headlines, it was so stupid and out of place. But it was the kind of comment that paves the way for a regular berth on Newsmax, which is where he found himself after he cleaned out his office in the White House.

Now, we move on to 2022, and the latest in the Navarro saga. He’s been held in contempt of Congress, arrested, and released on bail, blaming everybody from kangaroos to Kevin McCarthy for his fate.

He says he’ll be representing himself but in the next breath he makes a plea for money for legal representation.

I just ask the J6 Committee to get to the bottom of the Green Bay Sweep. That’s all I ask.

Let’s have Navarro explain to the J6 Committee how he’s not talking about a coup. That’s what I long to hear.

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    • Where was he going, Budapest? Rio?
      You blow off two subpoenas, you aren’t going to get a polite request to come to the station.

  1. Several hundred thousands of dollars to defend himself? Stephanie Rhul more than once called out his lack of knowledge, and given what he’s facing it will take a good legal team blowing through several million in legal fees to keep his ass out of jail!



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