Casey DeSantis put the handwriting on the wall (via her leather jacket) and didn’t do herself any favors with, “Florida: Where Woke Goes To Die,” because it inevitably invited comparison with Melania Trump’s exercise in epic tone deafness or cruelty (possibly both) with the I Really Don’t Care, Do U pea coat. The Daily Beast has a scathingly hilarious piece on this.

Casey DeSantis’ coat is just like her husband Ron DeSantis’ campaign: Crude. Grasping. Saying the ugly part out loud. Whereas Trump would wink-wink at the fascists—who can forget his dog whistle to the “very fine people on both sides” at Charlottesville—DeSantis wants to peel off Trump’s base by being even more explicit about who he intends to target. You can see it right there on his wife’s jacket: DeSantis’ Florida is where the woke go to die—and a lot of other people die as well.

Florida under DeSantis has had one of the highest COVID death rates in the nation, even as he’s exulted in his anti-mask policies. And as the governor whips up anti-LGBT sentiment and bans books on race, Casey’s jacket and its message of death also bring to mind the horrific Pulse nightclub mass shooting in Orlando, not to mention the state’s shameful history of Jim Crow-era lynch mobs and the Rosewood massacre. But of course, DeSantis and his cronies want to prevent kids from learning about any of that by censoring their library books and AP curricula.

The jacket, then, is a warning: Watch out, America.

And then it really gets down and dirty.

But while Casey may be trying to position herself after Jackie Kennedy (good luck) and even Melania, if this weekend is any indication, she’s falling far short. It doesn’t matter how many times she wears that ice-blue Badgley Mischka cape dress. The DeSantises will never be Camelot. Jackie and JFK symbolized the opposite of vulgar pettiness—they embodied youth, energy, a commitment to moral progress in the struggle for Civil Rights, and a country fresh with idealism. Not an America that was obsessed with banning books about male seahorses and rainbows, or nuking the latest Disney movie.

Ron and Casey will also never be the Trumps. For one thing, the Trumps have all that wealth to retreat into, not bothering themselves with the lives they wrecked along the way. Like Tom and Daisy Buchanan, just over in West Egg, not East Egg. For another, Trump manages to command attention naturally, whereas the governor’s attempts to make headlines always feel forced. Whereas Donald Trump is terrifyingly, inexorably himself, the DeSantis’ are more like poseurs. Fake Birkins. Mar-a-Lago imitators. They rail against the elites but Ron went to Harvard. They wear black leather jackets to a biker rally—regular folks!—but they really prefer to be mingling with Elon’s tech bros and wearing those designer duds. They want it way too much and it shows. Why else would Ron whine so bitterly about his wife being jilted by Vogue?

Still, as they appear on the campaign trail, we are seeing clues as to who the DeSantises are at heart. We’ve got a Sunshine State Lady Macbeth, in her green cape and white gloves, with her middling husband and her thirst for the crown—and we’ve got a guy who wants to be sitting in a corner, mumbling about the Federalist Papers and gobbling pudding off his fingers.

I don’t know about you, but this piece had me shaking and wiping my eyes. Hit the link and read the whole thing. This is classic. Both of the DeSantises (DeSantisii? Like Hippopottimi?) are well known for revenge, so this journo just painted a target on her back. When Ron and Casey take over, she’ll be the first to be shot in front of the Capitol — or maybe hung. Is the gallows that MAGA built still standing?

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  1. I’m sure Casey is ticked off about being mocked. Maybe right now she’s changed to imitating Wannabe Princess Ivanka demanding those making fun of her be punished! I also can’t help but wonder some about Melania’s reaction to all this. Seeing her name next to the word Walmart, being even associated with it probably offends her in ways you and I can’t fully comprehend. As for the comparisons, some might say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but “Melanie” won’t see it that way. I can easily imagine her storming around Mar A Lago saying stuff like “Who das thees leetle beetch think she is?”

  2. Reagan, bill Clinton, George w bush and of course Obama were all natural campaigners. they liked being with people. people gravitated to them. George bush, Hillary Clinton always seemed distant, not really connecting. trump is a different animal. he taps into people’s lizard brains like Hitler did. fear everything hate minorities. desantis wants to be trump but ends up more like the elder bush.

  3. Besides wanting to invoke mel, casey apparently thinks she compares favorably to being a Jackie/Catherine wannabe. All I can say is “casey, just stop. Please stop. You’re making the u.s. look worse than it already does”. She should stick to being a mel wannabe since she does that so well.

    What a joke. As bad as that idiot husband of hers.


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